Tongue Out Tuesday and Whitley Update

Well, for Crockett, most every day are Tongue Out Day, but he wuz really lettin da razz loose today.  Check out dat tongue!

Da momma are still messin round in da kitchen - and next week da remodelers are sposed to be here. We's all gonna be stuck in da sunroom - I's not lookin forward to dat.

We wanted to say a big fank you to all of our pals for da purrs and POTP dey has been sendin our woofie sisfur Whitley.  Unfortunately, she are not doin good.  What we think she has is basically da dog form of Lou Gehrig's - so it are a very sad thing.  She still can't move and is startin to have a lil trouble breathing - some wheezing.  Momma said she'll probably be makin her journey to da land of infinite bacons pretty soon - either dis week or next.  It's very much one day at a time now.  I's upset and yowling every night bout it - she's always been a very sweet woofie who luvs us kittehs a lot.  

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