Flower Friday

We's still got da wet and gray skies round here, no sunpuddles for nappin in today.

At least momma promised sossidge later.  And I gots burger dis morning since momma wuz cookin it up for Finley.

Angelique are still sucking up to my momma - she are gettin up wif her and keepin her company EVERY night.  I's not shure how I feels about it, I mean, she are MY momma, but on da udder paw, I's not really a lap kitteh, so Angelique (and Crockett) wantin to sit wif her means she ain't grabbin me and tryin to make me do it.  I's conflicted I guess.

Anyways, even though it has been rainin all dis week, my momma did manage to get some flower pickshures for today . . .

Ok, enuf wif da flowers, I's much more interested in dat sossidge!

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