Gettin High

Well, it's da weekend, so I's gettin high.  And not just on nip (which I got high on dis afternoon, I wuz rollin round on da floor like a crazy cat).

Da kitchen are not done (it still needs painting, a new fridge, and some work on da cabinets), but I approves of da removal of da soffits.  Although I think puttin some cat beds up here would be a good idea.

It's a pretty good place to hang out while waiting for bacon. Which I got dis morning.  YUM!

What can ya say, I like to get high.

I approves of da new granite since I matches it too.

But dere are somefin weird goin on round here.  Da mommas is actin really weird.  Talkin bout "Dubble Trubble" and a road trip nextest month.  I dunno what are goin on.  Crockett are on da lookout for dis dubble trouble, but he says he didn't see nuffin.

Angelique says she are gettin ready for Dubble Trubble - yikes, just don't punch me Angie!!

And some gra-too-itus tongue for all ya razzberry fans out dere - yeah, sometimes he even razzberries while he sleeps!!

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