Top 2 Best Live Chat Widget For Your Blog

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Chatting is the best way to interact with your visitors and your visitors also like the chatting because they solved their problem fast and not waiting for the reply with comments. Today I'm going to show you how to add chatting system to your blog.Mainly there is two famous chat provider website and I going to tell you about and .

   First Chat Hub Is Zopim

About Zopim - Zopim is very famous chat hub but there is few problem and the problem is they give only 14 days trial and then drop you to lite plan which gave you access to chat with only 1 people at once. Zopim Plans 

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How To Insert Zopim On Blogger.

 When you sign up to zopim and they sent you an email and after verify your email log into your zopim account and navigate to the dashboard.Now they provide an HTML code.Copy that HTML code and go to blogger dashboard now navigate to template and click edit template.Place that code between <body> and </body>. Get ready with your zopim dashboard and when any person come to your blog you receive a notification and access to chat with that person.   

My Second Best Chat Hub Is

  I really like and it my best chat hub to interact with visitors.They give you free plan and you can chat with many people at once.It doesn't give trial like zopim it's completely free.   

How To Insert Tawk On Your Blog

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To insert chat on your blog ,go to  and sign up and as same as zopim they sent you a mail and after verifying your account login to your dashboard. They give you a code in Admin Section of your dashboard copy the code and place this code to

How To Place Code

Go to your blogger dashboard and click on layout and now click on add the gadget, after clicking on add gadget a popup is come and click on Html/javascript now place your tawk code there and  save it. 

Which Is Best One After Placing Code?

In zopim, you can have only chat at a time but in tawk there are unlimited chats.So the tawk is best for chatting and engaging with your visitors. In you can customize your chat widget as your desire and create shortcuts for fast typing. 
chat to blog There are few amazing features of a you can see in the image there is scheduler in which you can schedule your chats,there are widget appearance,widget content,shortcuts,department menu,and you ca also ban any member. So I think tawk is best after placing code. 

Which Provides Help And Support 24/7 

Both and provide help and support 24/7 and you can chat anytime with their members and ask them any question so if you have any confusion ask on their websites. 

Make Your Website Cool With Chat Functions And Many Agents

You can go with zopim or tawk both and make your site interesting with lots of agents.When many visitors came to your website it is not possible to chat with many people at once So, I suggest to invite some agents to your site and told them to stay online and help visitors in many ways.It is your job to create many shortcuts and reply your visitors very fast like a bot.In you can clearly see that what visitors are typing before sending it so you can select your message very early and as soon as the visitors send the message,hit enter to reply your message. 

This Chat Box Will Increase Your Website Views And Sales

When you interact with visitors your audience love that chatting because they love quick answer and they don't like to post the comment because comments system have not quick reply it takes time So,when any people get the quick answer why they went to another site. By this chat you have many fans and they come again and again for chatting and asking the question this will increase your sale and if you have ads on your site you definitely grow up.

 What Happen If I Offline To Dashboard

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If you offline to your chat it shows the column of name,email and message which your visitors have to enter and when you next came to online it saved in your message column. So,it is good to use tawk if you have no money or trying to start a blog with chat like I have.

File Attachment Features

Your visitors and you can also attach any file or screenshot to explain his problems in details.It is the very good feature and available in tawk to chat with the file attachment. If you want to describe something you can also post  screenshots. Recommended  Chat My recommended chat is if you have not money and If you have the money go to zopim it is best-paid software and used by many online websites. 

So Now You Know The Best Live Chat For Your Blog Now Go Ahead Choose and interacts with your visitors.

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