Missing Whitley
Hey y'all. I's been missin my woofie sisfur Whitley. Whitley wuz "my" dog, we slept in da same bed together. I used to give her massages by makin biskits on her back (momma woulda LUVED to get a video of it, but it only happened at nite so da lights was off). Finley has been sleepin wif me and momma most nites (she tends to wake up her daddy, but she doesn't bother my momma). And I's been gettin more friendly wif her, but it are not quite da same. Today I got up on da ottoman to nap and I snuggled wif dis hedgey dog toy. Whitley luved hedgies, dem and hippos wuz her most favorite dog toys (don't ask me why she liked da h-animals, I's not a dog). Anyways, dis wuzn't Whitley's hedgey since her toys has been put away, but I are pretty shure it still had Whitley drool on it, since like most terrierists, her favorite toy wuz always someone else's (in dis case, Finley's). Anyways, momma thought it wuz sweet.
Now bout dis Dubble Trubble I's been talkin bout, apparently da mommas is gonna go on a road trip in bout a month to a place called Oh-Hi-Oh and pick up da Dubble Trubble. So I still has some time to get ready for it.
Angie may not ever be ready, but she are gonna have to just deal. I mean, we all put up wif her and her fluffy girl ways! Which included attacking my momma earlier dis week as my momma wuz tryin to give her a treat (sometimes I really wonder if dat gurl has got a brain) and peein on some fabric right in front of da mommas (again, I wonder bout da brain thing). Your birfday are comin up Angie, ya might try behavin if ya wants presents.
I think dat are Crockett's opinion of Dubble Trubble. Da mommas has pretty much decided on da names, dey didn't take my suh-jest-un of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Guess I are just gonna have to call em dat myself. And I thought my momma liked Alice in Wonderland!