How to Submit Your Website to Yahoo?

submit your site to Yahoo directory

Formerly Yahoo was the most popular search engine all over the web. People are used to use Yahoo search engine to make search query and Yahoo search engine was the top in position among various search engines. Still many people are using Yahoo search engine for making search query, reading news, visiting new websites.

So for getting more visibility on specific search engine we must register with that search engine and submit our site to get index. Now the question is how we can submit our site in Yahoo? Or is it possible to submit our site to Yahoo directory?

The simple answer is we can submit our site to Yahoo but not directly. There is a big reason behind this, which is Giant search engine Google. After emerging of Google search engine Yahoo�s popularity faded time to time. And after certain period of time Yahoo explore that their search engine users reducing dramatically. On the other hand, Microsoft�s popular Bing search engine struggling to capture the search engine market. And finally in 2008 Yahoo and Bing search engine merged together. And now Bing is playing a vital role for managing Yahoo search engine. Because for indexing your site on Yahoo search engine you must submit your site to Bing search engine. And Yahoo is not accepting or indexing any website direct into their search engine.

Blogger Spice on Yahoo saerch engine

For this reason many new webmaster wants to know is there any way to submit or index our site on Yahoo? In this article I will show you how to get index your site to Yahoo search engine through Bing. You may think how is this possible? Let�s see below-

Step 1 Visit you will head to Yahoo directory submission page.

submit your site to Yahoo

Step 2 Now click Submit Your Site for Free text link. And you will automatically redirect to Bing webmaster site.

This means you have to submit your site to Bing and Yahoo search engine will collect information about your site from Bing webmaster site. And there is not any direct site submission procedure to Yahoo search engine.  

Submitting your site to Yahoo through Bing

So for submitting your site to Bing webmaster tool please follow the below steps-

Step 1 You will redirect to Bing webmaster from Yahoo directory. Alternatively visit URL and Sign in to Bing Webmaster Tools. If you are new to Bing webmaster then simply click Sign Up link to go through sign up process.

Step 2 From Bing webmaster Dashboard click Add a Site link from top left corner. Now write your website URL. Skip the sitemap submission for now.
add a site to Yahoo
Step 3 For selecting when to receive traffic from Bing search engine select All Day (Default) by using dropdown option.

Step 4 And at last click ADD button.

That�s it you have successfully added your site to Bing as well as to Yahoo. As a result now your site will get visibility on both Yahoo and Bing search engine.

So this is the process to get index in Yahoo search engine. I think this is helping us to get index in 2 popular search engines by single effort. If you have any query regarding this feel free to write me.

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