Flower Friday

Hey y'all.  Travis Ford here.  Well, we's all been havin da sads round here, da house just ain't da same wifout our woofie Whitley.  I's been tryin my best to be eggstra loud wif my meywoling, Whitley wuz quite da barky lil thing.  So I's tryin to keep it noisy round here for her.

I think Angelique wuz even feelin like being sweet to my momma since she cooperated so well for her photo today.  And she went over and gave my momma some eggstra headbonks yesterday.

Crockett are busy being our comic relief.  He is just givin da hint of a razz here, but he wuz doing a Gene Simmons impersonayshun earlier.  Momma said she didn't know Kiss wuz giving a concert in da kitchen, MOL!

Anyways, we wanted to share some of da pickshures our bloggin and Facebook pals made for Whitley - momma ain't writing on Whitley's blog until she gets a new puppy, so I sharin em here.

We's so appresheative for all of em.  My momma are doin ok - she are very sad of course, but she knows Whitley wouldn't want her to sit around and wallow feelin bad.  I wuz just glad she felt good enuf to make pizza tonite and gimme some of dat sossidge.  Sossidge don't bring back Whitley, but it does make my tummy happier.

Anyways, to get to da point of dis post - one of Whitley's blogging pals Dory hosts a Flower Friday every Friday.  And Whitley used to partisipates in it and before she made her way to da Land of Infinite Bacon, Smashed Taters, and Eggie Weggies, I promised her dat I'd continue doin Flower Friday on my blog.  Even if I don't gets to go outside and see da flowers like she did.  But today it are not bout outside flowers, but about a beeyootifull boo-kay dat arrived yesterday in honor of Whitley.  Whitley's pals from Minnesnowdah (Ernie George's momma for those of you who we knew from WAY back in da Dogster/Catster days) sent my momma dis boo-kay.  And it are in my room and makin da room smell wonderful!!

Fank you so much Melanie!  We all luvs ya, big time.

I also wanted to share dis song in honor of our Whitley.  I miss ya buddy.

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