How to Find Blogger Sitemap

A sitemap is a file in which the links of all the pages of your website or blog are written in text form to tell the Google or other Search Engines about whole map of your site. So every search engine read the link of a page and then go to index or crawl that page from your site. Search engines repeat this process for every link included on your sitemap one by one. Sitemap plays very important role in SEO. You must need to submit your blogs sitemap in Google webmaster tools if you want to gain proper rank in google search engine. Sitemaps improve the crawling of search engine�s crawler to your whole website or blog. When you have create a sitemap of your site then you need to submit it on Google Webmaster Tools. In blogger sitemap is automatically generated for every page on your blog. i am going to show you how to find blogger sitemap and submit it to Google Webmaster tools.

how to create blogger sitemap
You can access your blogger sitemap by following these steps:

Step 1:

Just go to your blogger�s Homepage URL for example my blog�s URL is

how to create blogger sitemap

Step 2:

 Then write this text in the end of your blog�s home page URL: /robots.txt
When you go to this page then you�ll see this page which is given below:

how to find blogger sitemap

Step 3:

The address which is shown in the last of that page
Copy that link and paste in the URL box of web browser then Sitemap of your blogger will be shown.
As you can see in this caption:

how to find blogger sitemap
Step 4:

This page is XML format. Now if you want to submit this sitemap on Google Webmaster tools so copy the text Highlighted below �sitemap.xml� from the URL link of this page.

Step 5: How to Submit Blogger Sitemap To Google

Open Google webmaster tools then click on button Add/Test Sitemap:

how to submit blogger sitemap to google webmaster

Then paste �sitemap.xml� in the box which is shown below and click Submit Sitemap. In the box which is highlighted above.

Video Tutorial:

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