The Ten Golden Rules Of Blogging

Blogging can be a hobby for some. If you get it right, though, you could turn this little venture into your career. If you write engaging content that people love, you will gain a following. The larger your audience, the more money you can make. Remember, there is no point writing posts if no one is ever going to read them. If you find that it is hard to grab the right people, don't panic. Here are the rules you should follow!


#1 Offer useful advice to the world

Advice columns will always be the most popular blog posts online. When people don't know how to do something, they head straight to the internet. That means that there are thousands of people out there who need help with things. If you have any skills, you can share them online. Just write a simple guide and share it with people. When you offer your audience real life advice, they will adore it.

#2 Don't be afraid to be funny

Are you a funny person? That might be a silly question. Everyone thinks that they are funny, even in the smallest possible way. If you never show any humor on your page, you have a problem. When it comes to writing, humor is the best way to connect with your audience. If you want them to care about what you have to say, you have to prove that you are a real person. What can people do that computers can't? Joke.

#3 Get high-quality imagery

When people first see your site, they will judge it. If all your images are poor quality, you need to change things. The problem with bad pictures is that they will put people off for good. You should source great pictures for your site. That way, when people first visit the page, they will love all the great images you have. You want to blow people away with how great each of the pictures is. Also, you need to optimize your photo for the best results.

#4 Let people comment on posts

Can people comment on your page? If you don't let people have their say, they will not like your site. When you write about something, you want people to engage with that piece. That means that you have to give people a chance to write whatever they want. Sometimes, this issue is simple to solve. You can enable the comment function on most blogging sites. Make sure that you let people post their opinion as well. That way, people will start to build a connection with your site.

#5 Invite bloggers to write guest posts

Do you let people write guest posts? You should not think of your site as a personal thing - it is for everyone to enjoy! You can invite people to write posts on your page. In doing so, you should find that you get more exposure than ever. The guest blogger will share the post with their audience. That should drive extra traffic to your site in no time at all. This simple trick could do wonders for your blog, and so you have to try it. Ask people whether they would like to write something for you. You will be glad you did.

#6 Upload a few videos

These days, people want to enjoy a multimedia experience. That means that they want more than just text on a site. If you want to enhance your blog, you should add some videos to it. All you need to do is film an interesting video, put it on YouTube and then embed the link. You can make a video about anything you want. For example, you might wish to create a webinar or maybe just a video of you talking.

#7 Choose a niche subject

When you first set up a blog online, you might have an idea of what you hope it will be. After all, there must be a reason that you want to start reaching out to the world in the form of blog posts. When it comes to choosing a subject for your blog, you need to make sure that it is niche. There are thousands of blogs out there, and you want yours to stand out from the crowd. That means that you need to be original.

#8 Update old posts

As time passes, your old blog posts will become less and less relevant. For example, you might have written something about where to find the best online sales two years ago. During the last couple of years, the way people use the net for shopping may have changed. You don't want old advice on your page. It makes it look as though you are out of touch. Why not write a new blog with updated information? You can put a link on the old post directing people to the most recent piece of advice.

#9 Choose the right design

When it comes to choosing how your page looks, you have to be as careful as possible. You need to make sure that the site is attractive to your audience. There are hundreds of themes out there that you can download for free. Once you have a theme that works, use it. You should spend a great deal of time looking for the right design. This job is one of the most important in the set-up process.

#10 Use social media all the time

Social media marketing is the best way to get your message out there. You need to use all the best marketing tricks so that people know about your blog. When you start talking about your site online, you will see that it catches people's eye. This idea is the easiest way to start building your readership as quickly as possible. Start practicing today and see what you can do. Of course, there are many things you should do if you want your blog to be a success. If you follow these rules, though, you should be off to a great start!