Twitter Flying Bird For Blogger

Twitter flying bird for blogger

Have you ever seen a bird flying over a blog or site? may be you have seen it before because many bloggers and site owners are using this gadget in their blogs and sites. Tweeting and following via simple buttons is now old, bloggers are using smart gadgets like flying twitter bird or floating buttons for tweeting and following on twitter. This widget not only makes your blog look smarter but also helps you to get more tweets and followers as it attracts visitors.
This gadget works on javascript, its very easy to add this gadget in blogger. Previously I have shared a cool twitter follow box which also helps in increasing followers and this time I am sharing a related post about twitter(gadget), this is a blue twitter animated bird which flies and carries tweets and followers for you. This is one of the most searched and used gadget now a days, this gadget is for those who wants to increase their followers and want the visitors to tweet their posts. Unfortunately I don't have demo to show you how does it work but you can see it in above image and if you want to see a live demo simply follow below steps and add this gadget in your blog.

How does it work? 

This gadget works on javascript, in the javascript code an animated image is linked which is a blue flying bird, so when the page it scrolled the bird flies with the page. If the page is scrolled down the bird also flies down but if it is scrolled up the bird also flies upward. When the bird the hovered by mouse cursor two options show up one is tweet this and the other one is Follow me, now its up to visitor what he wants. 

How to add flying twitter following bird in blogger:

Its very easy to add this gadget in blogger, you have to add a script in your blog and all is done! , to add this gadget in your blog follow below steps:

(1). Go to Blogger, log-in to your blogger account and open your blog.

(2). Select template and click on Edit Html.

(3). Click anywhere in the Html and find </body> by using Ctrl+F on your keyboard.

(4). Copy the below code and paste it just above </body>:

<script type="text/javascript" src="">
<script type="text/javascript">
var twitterAccount = "101Helperblog";
var tweetThisText = " <data:blog.pageTitle/> : <data:blog.url/> ";
<!-- Twitter Bird Widget for Blogger by 101Helper-->

(5). Replace 101Helperblog with your twitter username in the code.

(6). Click on Save template and you are done successfully.

Open your blog to see flying twitter bird.
    This gadget can't be customized as it is a very simple gadget, you can't customize its flying speed, its color or anything else. 

    I hope you like this gadget, if you have any problem in adding this gadget or this gadget is not working on your blog ask me in comments. Follow by E-mail and subscribe to 101Helper to get latest news about blogger gadgets or follow on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to stay in touch with 101Helper.

    Tags: Twitter flying bird for blogger, twitter follow gadgets, tweeting, twitter, twitter gadgets for blogger, twitter follow buttons, smart gadgets for blogger blog, 101Helper gadgets for blogger.

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