Google Humming Bird Algorithm

Hello and welcome to our blog today and I am here to tell you some about Google Humming Bird update. Google has already been running in 15 years. Today I am going to describe the hummingbird update which is a new alogrithm by google. This is the latest update of google search engine.It will impact 90% searches worldwide.

You already know that panda and penguin which we have been already discussed in the previous post. But Google has not completely avoided the panda and penguin but some of the changes have been easily made in this algorithm.

Humming Birds Impact on SEO:

  1. The new algorithm incorporates manufacture from the old algorithm
  2. Real original relevant and useful quality content will matter even more
  3. No more backlinks  but quality backlinks that match with your content are preferred.
  4. Actually Google made updates to its old algorithm 500 and 600 times each year. This is the new algorithm that will continue to have changes.

Have you understood what impacts is taken by the HummingBird Algorithm, To know detail about this algorithm. Go here

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