How To Grow Your Nails Faster And Make Them Stronger

Do you wish your nails would grow faster? Everyone's nails grow at slightly different rates, but there are ways to speed up your growth between clippings. Learn about habits, dietary changes and products that can help your nails grow longer, faster.

Method 1 of 3: Nail Care

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    Practice good nail maintenance. Letting your nails get jagged and rough can make them weak, which causes them to weaken and break off. For nails that grow long and strong, it's important to keep them well-manicured and clean.
    • Shape your nails with a nail file, making sure you use the right technique to avoid ripping them.
    • Buff the surface of your nails to keep them in good shape.
    • Take a Chia Gel Cap, use a pin and make a small hole in a Chia Gel Cap. Put a drop of chia oil on each nail and rub it in.
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    Don't use harsh products on your nails. Using strong chemicals on your nails can cause them to weaken over time. Try to find natural, non-toxic nail polish andnail polish remover to care for your nails, and protect your hands from strong detergents and other chemicals as you go about your day.
    • When you're cleaning your house, wear rubber gloves to prevent getting bleach and other strong chemicals on your nails.
    • Wear gloves while you're washing the dishes, since dish soap can dry out your nails and make them more breakable.
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    Treat your nails gently. Subjecting your nails to biting, ripping, or other damaging habits can cause them to get weak and soft. Be gentle with your nails to give them the chance to grow healthy and strong.
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    Stop biting your nails. If you bite your nails, they never have a chance to grow, so take measures to stop this habit as soon as you can. There are drugstore products that you can apply to your nails to prevent biting if you cannot stop.
    • Don't rip the tips of your nails off instead of trimming them.
    • Don't rip off acrylic or gel nails; have them removed by a professional manicurist.
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    Wear a nail strengthening polish. Drug stores sell polishes you can paint on your nails to help them get stronger. Look for a clear polish that contains nutrients that promote nail growth.

Method 2 of 3: Lifestyle Changes

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    Get your blood circulating. Having good circulation helps your nails grow faster, and the best way to improve your circulation is to move your body more. Get plenty of exercise and use your hands a lot - everything from knitting to cheering at a basketball game can make your blood flow and your nails grow.
    • Gardening, typing, playing tennis, walking the dog, and any other number of activities can improve the circulation in your hands.
    • Weight lifting is beneficial for full-body circulation. Consider incorporating weight training into your exercise routine 3 times a week.
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    Move to a warmer climate. People who live in areas with mild winters and hot summer have faster-growing nails. You may not be ready to give up your life in the northern hemisphere for the sake of nail growth, but you could try taking more vacations south.
    • Protect your hands when it's cold outside to keep your nails from getting brittle and give them the chance to grow long.
    • Get plenty of sun, even in the winter, since the sun helps your body create the vitamin D your nails need to grow faster.

Method 3 of 3: Eating Habits

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    Eat plenty of protein. Nails are made out of protein, so the first thing you can try is adding more to your diet. Eat lean poultry, fish, beef and pork, as well as spinach and other vegetables that contain protein, to build healthy nails.
    • Drink protein shakes, or add protein powder to a glass of milk, for a quick protein boost.
    • Eggs and nuts are also excellent protein sources, especially if you're a vegetarian and can't get your protein from meat or fish.
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    Get your vitamins. In addition to protein, a range of vitamins are necessary for healthy nail growth. Get plenty of vitamin D, C and A to ensure your nails are growing as fast as they possibly can.
    • Chia Oil Gel Caps. Start taking 1500 mg of Chia Oil Gel Caps everyday. A good gel cap contains pure chia oil mixed with a small amount of vitamin E. Chia oil is the best source of plant based essential Omega 3 fatty acids. After 2-3 months, your nails with grow fast and hard.
    • Dairy products, especially milk, are a great source of vitamin D.
    • Eat spinach, kale, oranges, and kiwis to get the vitamin C you need.
    • Carrots, sweet potatoes, and other orange vegetables are the way to load up on vitamin A.
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    Stop dieting. Dieting may help you lose weight, but it also makes your nails stop growing. If you've noticed your nail growth slowing, you may be restricting too many calories.
    • Examine your diet and make sure you're still getting all the nutrients you need, especially protein.
    • Eat whole fruits and vegetables, rather than relying on diet bars or meals to get your calories.
    • If you're on a vegetarian diet, you may need to supplement your meals with more protein. Eat legumes and spinach, and consider taking protein supplements to make sure your body is getting what it needs to grow healthy nails.

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