This is really surprising Google has updated their page rank this month though Matt Cutts declared that he will be wondered if that happen in 2013. It was just unexpected gift for the Webmaster from Google. Page Rank Update was rolled out on 6 December 2013. But many Blogger was unaware about this news.
When I have heard for the first time that Google won�t update page rank this year then I was depressed and become slower in making new posts but suddenly I have checked page rank checker and it is displaying new page rank. Though Blogger Spice�s age is 11 month and this is the first page rank for my blog. Alhamdulillah my blog got Page Rank 2 at first chance. But my expectation was PR3. However I think this is enough for a new site. So those who are not sure about their blog page rank you can check from Here.
I am very grateful to my regular visitors who support me and keep my blog alive by providing valuable advices. And congratulation for those who have earned their expected page rank newly. But now we have lots of work those who got page rank. Because Page Rank will change quarterly, so to increase the page rank in next update you have to make posts regularly. And those who didn�t get the page rank they should work hard for the next page rank.
According to Google�s Page Rank update schedule the next page rank will be 1st week of February 2014. So work hard for the next Page Rank. Make a target for making 2 or 3 posts per day that will lead you to get better page rank.
From my point of view page rank is not a big factor for diverting traffic. Because before Humming Bird algorithm updates my daily page view was 11000+ but my page rank was 0. Though my page rank is 2 now but page view has decreased. So If you can publish unique article daily then you would get traffic regularly. And Page Rank only create positive impression of visitors towards your blog as well as increase trust and reliability.
At the above image it is displaying the proof of Google Page rank update of different popular websites.
I have also checked some popular blog with Page Rank 5 (, but their rank remain same. This can be happen due to Page Rank algorithm changes or lack of regular posting.
In conclusion, I think my page rank can be 3 but I have made some mistake after declaration of Matt Cutts that Google won�t update page rank this year. For this reason I didn�t spend much time in blogging. Anyway now I have to work again to get PR4 in next Google Page Update.