How To Grow with 0 views and 0 subscribers on Youtube

h?w d? ??u ju?t get started w?th gaining exposure?

Yes of course! wh??h m??n? is time for some Y?uTub? Q&A w?th ??u gu??. "How To Grow Your Youtube Channel with 0 views and 0 subscribers?" 

  I f?und th?t ?f you ?r? n?w and u?l??d a v?d??,?v?n ?f ??m??n? t???? ?n the ?x??t video t?tl?,?t ?t?ll doesn't ??m? u? in th? ???r?h. P???l? more ???ul?r with a ??m?l?r t?tl? show u? ?n?t??d. S?, h?w d? you g?t ????l? t? ??? your v?d?? in the first place?"Great ?u??t??n. This ?? ??tu?ll? ??m?th?ng we t?lk ?b?ut a l?th?r? ?t Video Cr??t?r?. So I w?ll l?nk up t? a bun?h ?f th??? d?ff?r?nt videos and th? d???r??t??n t?xt below this v?d??. S? ??u can g? ?h??k th??? out ?nd ??? ??m? ?f the ?th?r things that we've ?lr??d? d???u???d th?t k?nd ?f ?n?w?r th?? ?u??t??n. 

   How to get.... 

Step 1-- do research. Now d?n't ju?t slap u? v?d??? to your channel. Take ??m? n??d?d time and d? ??m? r????r?h. Ask these ?u??t??n?.

What ?? your ?h?nn?l r??ll? ?b?ut? 

Wh?'? your t?rg?t ?ud??n??? 

Wh?r? is ??ur t?rg?t ?ud??n?? actually congregating outside of Y?uTub??

Wh? w?uld your t?rg?t ?ud??n?? b? ?nt?r??t?d in ??ur video content, ?nd also ??ur ?h?nn?l? 

And how ??n you get th? v??w?r, or potential v??w?r,t? subscribe ?nd share th? v?d??? 

St?? 2-- Find out wh?t bl?g?, forums, F???b??k gr?u??,G??gl?+ ??mmun?t???, w?b??t??, people that ?r? really interested in ??ur ??nt?nt. N?w r???n ?? really, r??ll? important. Ov?r 75% of m? v?d?? views ??m? from outside of Y?uTub?. N?w th?nk about th?t f?r a m?m?nt. It'? r??ll? ?m??rt?nt t? d?.

Step 3-- video ?tru?tur? ?nd production. Now m?k? sure ??u h?v? a ?r?du?t??nf?rmul? f?r your v?d???. Shhhh. N?w, I'm going t? share with you T?m'? secret f?rmul?f?r h?? v?d?? structure f?r his ?h?nn?l. N?w don't tell h?m I t?ld ??u. T?m'? f?rmul? is r??ll? like th??. M?k? ?ur? ??u h??k the viewer ?n th? f?r?t 3 t? 7 ????nd? ?f th? v?d??. Th?n you want t? ?h?w a bumper. N?w th?? ?? ??t??n?l, but ?t'? r??ll? effective f?r branding. Then n?xt, you're g??ng to ??tu?ll? g??ngt? have ??ur m??n ??nt?nt d???l???d,?nd then ?ng?g? the u??r?, ?nd h?v? a great ?utr??nd ??ll to ??t??n.

  N?w wait a minute. N?w this ?? the ??m? formula that I use for m? channel. Hmm. I th?nk I ju?t g?v? away my secret formula,my secret ??u??. D?ng ?t. Oh w?ll. Now, a ??????l n?t?-- this is r??ll? ?m??rt?nt f?r all of ??u t? know. D?ff?r?nt t???? of channels ?nd t?rg?t audiences will have d?ff?r?nt t???? ?f v?d?? ?tru?tur?,OK, ?nd different f?rmul??. S? d? some r????r?h and see wh?t f?rmul? works f?r ??ur ?h?nn?l. 

Step 4-- u?l??d th?t v?d?? ?nd optimize. You're going to g? ahead ?nd u?l??d that video,but m?k? ?ur? ??u d? it to private. Then ??u want t? t?k? t?m? t? ??t?m?z? ??ur title,your description, ??ur t?g?, transcribe the v?d??,?nd also d? a custom thumbn??l that really engages ?nd catches people's eye. On?? this ?? d?n?, ??u ??n g? ?h??d and ??t ?t t? public. 

Step 5-- ?h?r? th?t video. N?w w? g?t Facebook. W? got P?nt?r??t. W? g?t Tw?tt?r. We got Google+. W? g?t Facebook gr?u??, G??gl?+ communities. You r??ll? h?v? th?t r???mment list. All you need t? d? is g?t involved ?n those communities and ?h?r? ??ur v?d??. Sh?r? ?t w?th th?m but d? it better. D?n't spam them. The w?rld has enough ???mm?r?. Make g??d, ?u?l?t? ???t? ?nd ?mb?d ??u video,or ?ut a little v?d?? l?nk. N?w th? next ?t?? ?? ?n ?m??rt?nt ?n?. S? ??u r??ll? n??d t? und?r?t?nd th?? ?n?.

Step 6-- engage and interact. T?k? t?m? t? comment ?n your v?d??. Al??, comment ?n th? video in ?ll th? ?l???? wh?r? ??ur v?d?? ?? b??ng shared. Th?? ?? r??ll? ?m??rt?nt. Wh?? Th?? g?t? v??w?r? ?ng?g?d ?nd ?t actually creates a ??mmun?t? ?f ??ur ?wn.

St?? 7-- ?v?lu?t? ?nd adjust. Now m?k? ?ur? ??u look ?t your v?d??'? analytics and r??ll? ?v?lu?t? how users actually find you, wh?t t??? ?f ?ng?g?m?nt'? th?r?,?nd really tr??k all the necessary things that you need t? so ??u ??n m?k? ?dju?tm?nt? f?r the future. 

St?? 8-- look f?r ??ll?b?r?t??n opportunities. N?w w??t a minute, this video is a collaboration video. Huh. I guess Guys ?nd I ?r??t??? what we preach, r?ght? W?ll, it w?rk?. H?n??tl?, m??t ?f you that ?r??t? content on YouTube would benefit b? t?k?ng a little b?t more t?m? t? get t? kn?w ??ur ?ud??n??, creating a ??m?l? g?m? ?l?n f?r your channel, ?nd ?l?? f?r ?ll your v?d???. I h?v? a game ?l?n f?r m? ?h?nn?l ?nd r??ll? h?v? set a v?d?? structure and a schedule for all m? v?d???.

  And ?t works r??ll? w?ll for m?. And I ??n t?ll ??u, w?rk?ng w?th Guy th? l??t few d???,?nd ?l?? b??ng one ?f h?? first subscribers through V?d?? Cr??t?r? TV, Guy  kn?w? his audienceand has a ?l??r ?l?n. So ?f ??u'r? really looking f?r m?r? v??w? ?nd v???b?l?t? f?r ??ur v?d???, make sure ??u w?t?h th?? video a few times,take ??m? n?t??, ?nd ?r??t? ??ur ?wn g?m? ?l?n. Th?t w?? awesome. I want t? add ?n a ??u?l? th?ught? of m? own that I hope w?ll ?n?w?r ??ur ?u??t??n ??n??rn?ng how the ???r?h results w?rk and wh? youcan type ?n ??ur exact t?tl? and n?t h?v? ?t show u??nd h?v? ?ll the popular v?d??? show up instead. 

   And that ?? b???u?? YouTube ranks-- they determine how high ?n th? search r??ult? ??ur v?d?? w?ll rank b???d?n h?w mu?h w?t?h t?m? it has. And watch t?m? is simply ju?t h?w much t?m?th?t v?d?? has ???umul?t?d fr?m ????l? wh? are watching ?t. So if you w?t?h th?? v?d?? for thr?? m?nut??,th?? v?d?? has accumulated thr?? m?nut?? ?f w?t?h time. S? th?r?'? a couple ways to ?n?r???? w?t?h t?m?. Again, w?'v? t?lk?d ?b?ut some of that ?tuff h?r?. L?nk? b?l?w to those v?d??? if you w?nt t? g? ?h??k ?t ?ut. But ultimately, wh?t ??u are ????ng ?t w?rk?? that YouTube definitely v?lu?? w?t?h t?m? higherthan th?? ??tu?ll? value l?k? how perfectly ??t?m?z?d??ur m?t?d?t? ?? and how ??rf??tl? ??ur metadata-- wh??h ?? t?tl??, t?g?, and d???r??t??n?,?nd ???t??n f?l??, ??m? ?n?lud? that,thumbnails-- h?w ??rf??tl? that r?l?t?? t? ???r?h query. 

  Th?t is a ?tr?ng ??rr?l?t??n. But ?v?n stronger is h?w much watch time th? videohas ???umul?t?d, which is how G??gl? d?t?rm?n??h?w v?lu?bl? this video ??. And th? l?ng?r people ???nd w?t?h?ng th?? video,the more v?lu?bl? Google th?nk? th?t this v?d?? ??. S? very ?r??t???ll? for ??u, th?tm??n? ?t'? important t? dr?v? ?? mu?h watch t?m? to th?t videoas ?????bl? w?th?n th? f?r?t w??k ?f ?t b??ng published. And that g??? b??k to f?ll?w?ng ?ll th? b??t?r??t???? that Derral just talked ?b?ut?nd ?th?r? th?t are linked up below. So go ?h??k all th?t stuff ?ut. You gu?? h?v? got ??m? research to d??f th?? is something th?t'? ?nt?r??t?ng t? you. I would l?v? to hear fr?m ??u guys about wh?t t???, ?d???, ?dv??? would you have for this tutorial?