What type of mistakes will effect on Adsense revenue and Alexa Rank?

Most of the webmasters after creating a blog with good content source then immediately turns blog into Website by acquiring a wonderful Domain which is best match to their content. But all these process would not continue successfully due to some reasons author may not update website regularly or not following SEO Tips to retain traffic or Dropping of Rank online like Alex or poor content posting or reproducing of other sites content (It is against Google Content Policy, this may drop your online ranking or site may deleted) the same or maintenance of website may cost expensive ect.

Author sparing valuable time online by posting relevant content to their subscribers daily or weekly or monthly may not reach expectations of subscriber hence dropping of ranks, un-subscriptions will be noticed daily. Creating a blog or website online is very easy but maintaining a website or blog with good content and attracting new subscribers at the same time entertaining already subscribed members this will need some what techniques which is followed regularly.

New geeks or bloggers without following specific SEO tips provide by relevant sites like BlogTariff, Bloggertricks.com etc. may loose their ranks results invite losses having Google Adsense on their blog or Website. Lots of websites or blogs online authors are generating less than a dollar daily through Adsense due to improper positioning of Ad-code on blogs or posting of irrelevant content or using bad template which is not meant for Google Adsense due to not converting site into SEO template or Google search to show in first or second listings.

Interacting regularly with subscribers by availing social media sites like facebook, twitter etc and attracting new subscribers by posing interesting content, replying members comments or questions on social media sites or using of backlinks to increase traffic or answering queries raised by other sites subscribers may increase your blog traffic can convert those members into your blog subscribers on 3rd party blog/Website can betters ranking or participating as Guest Blogger on well ranked sites.