Encode Your Secret message into images on Facebook while upload

Advanced Technology now allows social media site Facebook users to convert their message or encode secret message into images while uploading on Facebook website.

Former Oxford University student has developed this new technology plugin named as �Secretbook� enables Facebook users to share secret messages in Picture format without snooping eyes of friends or others.

Users can simply download the plugin and refresh their Facebook page. After press Ctrl+alt+A to open a dialogue box allows users to upload image with an encoded message. To do this successfully just follow the instructions to upload encoded images on your friend wall or others timeline page.
To preserve user�s privacy this plugin is only available on installation of Gogole Chrome browser on your PC, it is build in Chrome.
Running it via a web browser means users cannot be detected by Facebook�s network analysis and creates a new technology brand for security threat, as criminals or terror organizations for their plans.