Blame Yahoo

My first thought is that Yahoo deserves some of the blame. Remember GoTo, which later became Overture? After Yahoo bought Overture, it incorporated the company into a division called Yahoo Search Marketing. The rebranding happened in March 2005. I can remember a number of search marketers finding the name odd. Since the products were all fee-based � and only for Yahoo � what was so �search marketing� about it?
Over the years, Yahoo has been in front of thousands of advertisers suggesting that �search marketing� = buying ads. In fact, if you search for search marketing on on Google, Yahoo ranks in the top results (as it does on Yahoo, too) despite the fact that YSM has little to do overall with search marketing and, after the Microsoft-Yahoo search deal is fully implemented, won�t even exist in its current form.
All that anchor text � all those people linking to YSM with the words �search marketing� in their links is a powerful legacy, though one that doesn�t work at Bing.