Today I�m going to give you a program to compare two string without strcmp( ) function. First of all, we�ll first understand what�s the operation of strcmp function.
This is the general format of strcmp function. It contains two strings and it compares two strings returns a number.
Consider two strings �ab�, �aB�
n=strcmp(�ab�, �aB�);
Ok now listen carefully.
Strcmp function operation:
At first ,it�ll compare 1st character of strings �a� and �a�(how it compare means just find the difference of ascii values of them i.e., 97-97=0) if difference is zero , it�ll continue to compare next character.
Then , it�ll compare 2nd character of strings �b� and �B�(but here notice that ascii value of �b� is 98 but incase of �B� is 66 so difference is 98-66=32) difference is 32. it�ll return 32 .
Note: �a� ascii value is 97, �b�=98, �c�=99,�.
�A� ascii value is 65, �B�=66, �C�= 67,�..
�0� ascii value is 48 ,�1�=49,�..
Consider two strings �aB�,�aCd�
What�ll do strcmp function for these strings?
As mentioned above , it�ll compare 1st character of strings �a� and �a�. here difference is 0
Then, it�ll compare 2nd character of strings �B� and �C�(difference= 66-67) so now value is -1 not equal to zero so it�ll return value as -1
#include< iostream.h >
#include< conio.h >
int shark(char a[],char b[]);
void main( )
char a[10],b[10];
int c;
clrscr( );
cin > > a > > b;
cout < < c;
int shark(char a[],char b[])
int t=0;
for( int i=0;a[i]!=�\0�;i++); //Finding length of 1st string
for(int j=0;b[j]!=�\0�j++); //Finding length of 2nd string
for(int k=0,l=0;(k < i)&&(l < j);k++,l++)
if(k!=i&&t = =0)
for(int m=k;m < i;m++)
else if(l!=j&&t = =0)
for(int m=l;m < j;m++)
return t;