2007 Holiday Season To Date vs. Corresponding Days* in 2006
Non-Travel (Retail) Spending
Excludes Auctions and Large Corporate Purchases
Total U.S. -- Home/Work/University Locations
Source: comScore, Inc.
Billions ($)
Holiday Season to Date 2006 2007 Change
November 1 -- December 11 $15.94 $20.49 19%
Thanksgiving Day (November 22) $0.21 $0.27 29%
"Black Friday" (November 23) $0.43 $0.53 22%
"Cyber Monday" (November 26) $0.61 $0.73 21%
"Green Monday" (December 10) $0.66 $0.88 33%
* Corresponding Shopping Days, Not Calendar Days
"Online spending is following the pattern it first established last year, namely an accelerating growth rate as the season progresses," said comScore Chairman Gian Fulgoni. "Consumers are clearly responding positively to the enticing promotions and discounts being offered by retailers this year, and spending is currently on track to meet our forecast of $29.5 billion for the season."
Top 5 Online Spending Days for Holiday Season-to-Date
Through the first 41 days of the online holiday shopping season, three individual shopping days have surpassed $800 million in sales, led by Monday, December 10 ("Green Monday") with $881 million, followed by Tuesday, December 11 with $819 million and Thursday, December 6 with $803 million. Wednesday, December 5 came in just shy of that threshold with $798 million in spending.
Top 5 Online Spending Days to Date
Non-Travel (Retail) Spending
Excludes Auctions and Large Corporate Purchases
November 1 -- December 11, 2007
Total U.S. -- Home/Work/University Locations
Source: comScore, Inc.
Dollars Spent
Day ($ Millions)
Monday, December 10 $880.8
Tuesday, December 11 $818.6
Thursday, December 6 $802.6
Wednesday, December 5 $797.7
Tuesday, December 4 $776.2