The online game development market has never been more lucrative and more complicated than it is right now. What qualities does it take to make an online game successful and innovative? What defines an online game anymore? These are the questions the "Game On" panel at the recent Consumer Technology Innovations 2007 considered and debated. The panelists included several veterans in the industry -- John Blakely, VP Sony Online Entertainment, Nick Earl, Senior VP & Group General Manager for Electronic Arts, Dave Williams, Senior VP & General Manager for Addicting Games & Shockwave at MTV Networks and Susan Wu, Partner at Charles River Ventures.
Williams tipped his hat to the mass market power that the Nintendo Wii has brought to the table, but added, "Using Facebook to develop an audience is big." Wu, an apparent champion for the power of social media, pointed out a single example of what the social networking market can accomplish. "Over 3.5 million users within the last three and a half months (for the Vampires and Werewolves game on Facebook). Never before has such a thing been possible (in the online space.)."