Hi,How are you ladies and gentlemen, if you are searching about something like creating of your own website than make your mind clear that you have landed on right place .In this small blog you will be to find the method ,How to create a website and blog. Well here I will show you some easy steps else you didn't know CSS and HTML at all but you will be able to make your own website .So first thing is What is blog?"A blog or web log is a personal web site made up of usually short, frequently updated posts that are arranged chronologically. The content and purposes of blogs varies greatly from links and commentary about other web sites to observations about news or politics, diaries, photos, poetry, essays, project updates, even fiction. Blogs are a fast growing segment of the web. An article in the August 26, 2002 Newsweek estimated the number of blogs at 500,000 with a new one coming online every forty seconds. "
Now you have learned enough about blogging.Now you will learned about what is difference between blog and website?The goal of this website is to make you able to create your own website without learning of HTML and CSS.In this blog you will be able to learn about blog designing,search engine optimization,Tips and tricks.This blog is created for you .The main purpose of this blog is to make you able to make your blog and website.If you are ready to make your own blog and website than keep reading and must enjoy!.
Before going deaper through the knowledge of website creation here you have to be noticed that the most popular blogging platforms are blogger and wordpress.You must check blogger vs wordpress.For beginners i will suggest that Blogger is the most popular and easy and here you can learn how to create a blogger blog.
If you are serious about your blog than the most important thing you can do that is to register a unique domain name .Now what is Domain Name?.Read about here.You can register your domain name on any provider (i will prefer you Godaddy).It is something like www.labforblogging.com rather than labforblogging.blogspot.com .At the same time do register your website for webhosting which is defined below .If you are using free service than you will think why do you need domain name? .I will suggest that user to use their own domain name like www address regardless of their platform for various reason.
- The domain looks professional something like http://www.labforblogging.com.
- This name is easy to understand and remembers for other users.
- You own it like you can move it anywhere and it is like an asset of you when you want to sell it you can sell and details are given how to sell a domain.
- You can make your own email of from your domain like something@labforblogging.com.
- You can easily manage it.