Are dose kitteh treats I see in your hand momma? Has I menshuned how much I luvs ya lately??
Anyways, da mommas has been runnin round like chikkens wif dere heads cut off gettin stuff all ready for Dubble Trubble. Which means ordering new things and diggin up da backyard for some reason (somefin bout makin a nice grassy space for Dubble Trubble to hang out in da shade - don't ask me since I'm stuck inside).
We're just hopin Dubble Trubble means we get Dubble Treats as payment for puttin up wif it all.
Anyways, we gots lotsa stuff bloomin here still - so here are da flower pawrade.
Today are also our woofie sisfur Finley's Gotcha Day - da peeps has had her for 10 years now! A decade of Finley!
I fink dis calls for eggstra sossidge tonite - whaddya say Finn?