5 Type of blog posts that generate more money for your Blog

Blog posts that makes money

Many New Bloggers struggle to discover the most profitable niche for Blogging to make more money from their Blog. But in real only profitable niche can�t generate more income independently. Rather unique and popular Blog Posts can generate more income for your Blog. Suppose you are publishing Blog posts which have already published in other Blog sites, in this case you won�t able to earn money from that Blog posts.

I know a big question is buzzing in your brain that how Blog Posts can generate income? Yes this is absolutely true that you can earn money from your Blog post don�t directly and indirectly.

In terms of making money from your Blog posts directly you have to be little tricky, because nobody is going to pay you for publishing posts only in your Blog.

1. Blog Post about Product Review

You can earn money by writing your Product reviews. Buyers are always looking for read reviews at the last stage of purchasing any products. Suppose you want to buy a Smartphone but you have lots of choice around you, in this case cleaver and conscious buyer often read online review before purchasing product. And this is often happen before purchasing higher value products.

There are many beauty products� Blog you will see details information with buyer�s reviews and opinion and this reviews can lead to final sale and generate income for you. So this means Blog posts about main products review can generate more income for you.

2. Blog Post about Product Comparison

Apart from writing your own product review you can make money by posting about product comparison. This is more effective to generate income from your Blog posts. In case of product comparison Blog post you must have affiliate membership with those products and when you refer a buyer through your affiliate link then you will receive commission. This is mostly effective for digital products.

Suppose you have written a Blog posts about Domain Hosting services comparison. You can list there 4 to 5 services comparison details with prices. And this will helps readers to take decision to select right domain and hosting Service Company.
As a result when they go through your affiliate URL from your Blog posts then you will able to generate income from your comparison Blog posts.

3. Blog Post with Best product List

This works like a charm, because in review and comparison you can provide information only specific product information. But if you write posts with best product lists then it obviously work best to make more money. List type Blog posts would be like below. For example-
In this type of Blog post you can add your affiliate ULR and readers will obviously go through your affiliate URL and buy digital products. Conversely you will get commission from your referral program.

4. Blog Posts with Video Tutorials

The most popular Blog Post category is �How To� related articles. But if you simply publish posts to answering your audience then it may not able to generate sufficient amount of revenue. For this reason you have to take another step to spice up your Blog Post as well as revenue.

As a Blogger Most of us using Google AdSense if you don�t have Google Adsense then you can get approval from �Google AdSense� for your YouTube channel, where you can monetize your videos by �Google AdSense�. So publishing a video tutorial with your Blog posts can double your earnings.
Most popular YouTube videos are How To, Yoga, Traveling, Cooking, Tutoring, Blogger Tutorials etc. And viewers watch these types of videos frequently; as a result you can make money Blog posts with video tutorials.   

5. Sponsored Blog Posts

This is most effective and direct way to earn money from your Blog. Generally for publishing Sponsored posts you can get paid from sponsor directly. Even my 30% Blog Incomes are coming from sponsored posts. But this is very hard to get Sponsored post for your Blog until your Blog can reach in a good standing point.

Indirect way you can earn money from Blog and most of us go through those ways to make money from our Blog. Such as
  1. Creating Own Product for selling in Blog.
  2. Google Adsense Advertisement.
  3. Affiliate Marketing
  4. Providing Different Services, e.g. SEO Service, Digital marketing, Social Media marketing.
  5. Selling Digital products, e.g. E-Book, E-course, Web Design.
  6. Selling direct ad space on our blog etc.

5 Type of blog posts that generate more money for your Blog
5 Type of blog posts that generate more money for your Blog
Can you see!!! Making money from your Blog is not so tough. Just you have to make proper plan before publishing a Blog post. Select appropriate Blog post that covert in income. Try to add affiliate URL in all of your Blog Post that can increase the possibility of online earnings. 

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