Work at Home For Clickworker and Earn $8-$10 per hour Doing Short Task

make money online from clickworker

Many people are looking for online work for earning money. But this is really tough job to find legit company online for working from home and earning money. But trust me there are huge legit companies available over there where people can make handsome amount of money by working from home. The main benefit of home based work is you don�t have to spend specific time for office, you can avoid traffic jab, also able to utilize your work for other household work. Home based job is ideal for working Mom if she wants to make extra money then this is ideal for them.

You might hear about Clickworker, which is a Germany based legit company. They will pay you to work from your home doing short tasks such as text creation, editing, web research, data tagging, data categorization. Obviously this is a non-phone job, and all you need to complete the work through your computer and internet connection. You can do the work at your leisure and just you have to complete short tasks for pay.

How and what to do in Clickworker?

Clickworker is based on small projects, mainly focus writing task to search engine evaluation. But all time you won�t get the same task. Whenever you sign in to your Clickworker account then there might always be something different to do (e.g. text creation, editing, web research, data tagging, and data categorization). But have some restriction, if you are not qualify for the task then you won�t get access to that task, only in qualified task you will get access. You may think I they will understand that you are qualified or not? This is pretty simple; you�ll have to take a short assessment for each type of task. But if you fail in their assessment then you may or may not be retaken, this is totally depend of types of task. There are different task available in Clickworker where you can complete them from home. Such as-

#1: Texts based tasks in Clickworker
  • SEO Texts
  • Product Description
  • Category Texts
  • Advisors & Guides
  • Glossaries & Dictionaries
  • Descriptions of Destinations
  • Company Profiles
  • Blog Articles
  • Translations
#2: Web Research Tasks
  • Address Enrichment & Validation
  • Competitor Research
  • Lead Research
#3: Categorization & Tagging Task of Clickworker
  • Product Categorization & Tagging
  • Image & Video Tagging
  • Search Relevance
#4: Analytics and Survey Based Task
  • Product Data Management
  • Surveys
  • Mobile Crowdsourcing
#5: Industry Solutions based Tasks
  • Online Marketing
  • E-Commerce
  • Media
  • Information & Directory Services

So you have huge choice of work and easily you can earn money from home by doing them. You should do those works that you have personal interest and you love to do.

How to become Eligible to work with Clickworker?

You can work as a Clickworker internationally. If you are intending to work with Clickworker Internationally then you can sign up to do work. If you are not from the USA, you must have either:
  • A bank account in a SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) country or
  • You must have a valid PayPal account for accepting payment
Indeed there are not any special requirements for doing work in Clickworker. Just you need to ensure that you have valid payment acceptance medium.

How Much you can earn from Clickworker?

This is important factor to work with any online site. According to Clickworker they pay average $9 per hour, but the amount you earn completely depend on the project you�re working on. It may vary you can earn less than $9 or above $10. But note that if you do hard or complicated job then you will get more payment. Good thing is that their payment threshold is only $10 and they don�t have any hidden costs or fees. With Clickworker you can get paid two different ways:
  1. Deposit to Bank account when earnings are above $10
  2. Deposit to PayPal account when earnings are above $1
Whatever your earnings balance you will receive payment every week if you have PayPal account.  But if you want to receive payment through Bank account then you will receive payment once in a month.

Are you curious to Work with Clickworker?

You are now curious to work with Clickworker, because you can complete tasks from home and earn money. If you want to work with Clickworker then you visit the below URL to create an account.

But due to lack of Projects many countries are not eligible to work from home for Clickworker.  When you go for register then you can check your country that your country is eligible or not? But USA and European countries resident will able to work, as well as some Asian countries also eligible to work with Clickworker.

Work at Home For Clickworker and Earn $8-$10 per hour Doing Short Task
Work at Home For Clickworker and Earn $8-$10 per hour Doing Short Task 
If you become eligible to work with Clickworker and currently working with their small project then please share your experience with us. Your experience will guide many potential online workers. 

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