[Review] Ezoic | Double Your Ad Revenue with Adsense Certified Program

Ezoic, Ezoic, Ezoic... yeah it's EZOIC.
Ezoic is the world's first & only technology based Google Adsense Certified Partner. In short, In comparison with the other web advertising services; the Ezoic is a website improvement program that will help you boost blog ad revenue to earn more revenue about 50% to 200% via Google Adsense by optimizing your ads, ad sizes, and ad placements automatically. An optimizing blog is not only sufficient to maximize your Adsense revenue but optimizing ad slots, ad formats & placements are also considerably significant. Besides there are lots of bloggers or site developers failed to do it effectively. How to set up a website and make money? How to make Google Adsense money? Note that - in order to maximize our AdSense earnings, we must need to optimize your ad slots assigned at all over the web pages. And the Ezoic is the best platform which has the goal that allows you to earn extra money without affecting website performance & improving user engagements. Habitually we all always seems to focus only on writing the site contents, its marketing & to use other website optimization tools but most of us are get lose to concentrate on ad optimization like ad location, sizes, colors, and other formats used on a single page effectively. Ezoic do all the ad optimization itself & test it automatically in an excellent way to improve the CTR [Click Through Rate] of your site. Ultimately you the publisher will get the daily increase in estimated ad earnings [around 50% to 200%] with enhanced user experience, more traffic, more page views, and so higher PageRank. So don't waste time and get more about contextual ad networks revenue optimization and learn how to be get integrated with Adsense Certified Ezoic program into your website and get double your estimated Adsense earnings.
Ezoic - Double Your Adsense Earnings
Ezoic - Double Your Adsense Earnings
We know; better user experience is equal to better search rankings and it�s the best way to cause MORE REVENUE. Recently we have seen Advanced Tips for Making Blogger Blog to Load Faster and How to Setup Free CloudFlare CDN for Your Blogger Blog to Boost Website Performance. But today we are going to see something more remarkable and the only effective way that I personally have ever seen in my Adsense estimated earnings. I really excited to introduce the Ezoic platform to you and really want you to earn more with this LEGITIMATE program. Ezoic is a must have automatic testing tool for serious publishers.

Also read: Top 7 Google Adsense Alternatives | Best CPM Ad Networks To Make Money Online From Blogging [2016]

About Ezoic | Content Intelligence Platform

Ezoic - Double Your Adsense Earnings
Ezoic is a website improvement platform based in Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA, US. It�s the first largest automated testing platform and only technology based Google Adsense Certified Partner for content publishers. As because of enormously knowledgeable & conversant about online advertising they are selected for Google Adsense partnership. And so publishers are getting amazing results in their estimated earnings.

Proof: Check Google page: https://goo.gl/IYOMGT

Why Use Ezoic To Increase Website Ad Revenue?

  1. Uses CDN servers - Helps to improve site loading speed.
  2. Ad Position Testing - Helps publishers to recover lost revenue.
  3. Create & test new layouts - Helps to improve page views.
  4. Website optimization - Helps to improve the user experience.
  5. Asynchronous Ad loading - Helps to improve user integration.
  6. More page views + better user experience = drive more traffic - Helps to improve PR [search ranking].
  7. Automatic Ad Optimization & Monetization - Helps to earn more than double on an average.

Ways to Receive Payments from Ezoic

They use following payment methods by which you can receive your payments from Ezoic with min. threshold of $20.
  1. Recommend to use Payoneer - this will deposit money directly into your domestic bank account.
  2. PayPal
  3. Check
  4. Dwolla ID or Email

Ezoic Review � My Personal Experience & Optimization Results I get after Using Ezoic for 10 days

How I got a 50% boost in ad income & more traffic by website optimization and monetization with Ezoic. And I don't hesitate to tell you that this Ezoic definitely help in increasing your Adsense earnings by 200%. Following chart shows daily earnings - it was previously around 0.50$ to 1.50$, and now it has boosted from 1.50$ to 3$ daily. It�s working as they told. And lots of publishers telling me positive reviews about Ezoic with the productive result they got in a short period of time. I tested Ezoic with 4 other websites and all are making extra money with Adsense account

Ezoic - Double Your Adsense Earnings

Install & Setting up Ezoic Account - Step by Step Guide to Integrate

The best method is by using CDN. I have already posted how to use CDN on your blogger site. You need to follow it and install FREE CDN on your website. and come here again.
Else, if you have your own hosting then you need to change your name servers in DNS setting redirecting to Ezoic servers.

Step 1. Go to: https://goo.gl/yMlVab

Ezoic - Double Your Adsense Earnings

Step 2. Add your site. Fill your details and click on Visit the Ezoic Dashboard.

Ezoic - Double Your Adsense Earnings

Step 3. The first option is to integrate your site with Ezoic. I recommend you to add your website via CloudFlare. Here you need to link your site's CloudFlare account to Ezoic. Put your CloudFlare email address and password to sign in and install CloudFlare. CloudFlare is the best tool that protects and accelerates your website online up to great extend. Once CloudFlare is installed for your website, the web traffic is then routed through CDN servers via intelligent global network.

Ezoic - Double Your Adsense Earnings

Step 4. Go to App store and make sure you have installed Ad tester and Mediation app. The Ad Tester app automatically tests additional ad locations whereas the Mediation app allows you to add all of your existing ad network accounts to Ezoic so that they can bid for the ad space on your website. It is recommended that you should link your Google Adsense account first - Ezoic said. Here you need to choose ad network and put your login details into it just to add it to your Ezoic dashboard. Need NOT to worry as it is certified by Google Adsense. It�s 100% reliable platform. So I highly recommend to add Adsense account. Then after in 24 hours your Adsense account gets integrated, activated and started to work with the Google Ad Exchange. You don't need to do any thing, as Ezoic doing it automatically but effectively for you.

Ezoic - Double Your Adsense Earnings

Step 5. Come back to the dashboard and start to Setup Ad testing App. Here you need to add Ezoic ad testing code into your <head> tag & follow all steps. This is the most important step. Here you need to choose the location of ads as per your need. I recommend using most of your ads placed above the fold. Placing ads above-the-fold is the most working method for many pro-websites, and I believe, these ads often perform well and help publishers to monetize content successfully.

Step 6. Now on dashboard, you will see 3rd step - Turn Ezoic ON & OFF. Here you can control the Ezoic account both show all of yours ads on desktop or tablet or mobile. Moreover, you can control the percentage of traffic to send to the Ezoic Platform. I recommended to use it 100%.

Step 7. You are successfully integrated and installed Ezoic on your site.

Congratulations!!! Now it required sometimes less than 24 hours to work it for your site effectively. After integration, its taking time to learn your site layouts, previous ad slots, old ad locations and then started to test & experiment all ad monetization techniques to empower your daily estimated earnings to grow up from 50% to 200% on an average daily.

Bottom Line

I exclusively recommended Ezoic platform to you to give it a try. Ezoic can help you increase website revenue. It's a FREE program. So try it for ten days at least and I am sure you will get amazed by its results. Come back after ten days here again to share your progress. Or for any question ask it via comment, we will definitely try to solve it.

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