Wags and Waves for Forrest

Hey y'all!  We's here today as part of da Wags and Waves for Forrest.

Ok, we ain't real big own waggin.  After all, if ya see a cat's tail waggin, you's bout to meet da bizness end of da smacky paw, and nobody wants dat.  Speshully if dat smacky paw are Angelique's.  I has nightmares bout dat thing!

So our wave are gonna be in moosikal form, hope dat are ok wif ya Forrest.  Our Whitley who just followed ya to da Bridge LUVED da beach. I don't really get it, it just looks like a giant litter box to me.  And while a giant litterbox would be cool, it doesn't seem all dat eggciting.  I mean, it's not like it's covered in bacon or nuffin.  Anyways, I are digressin, anyways, Whitley luved da beach and we hope dat she are Forrest are up at da Bridge enjoyin some steaks and waves.  So catch a wave buddy!

We's been stuck in either da sunroom or our bedrooms all day cuz of da remuddlin - dis are what our kitchen looks like now!

Uh, how are bacon sposed to made in there????

In udder news, Whitley's ashes came home today.  She'll be going in the garden in her own speshul area wif lots of pink and white flowers.  We all miss her and know to well how your family are feelin Forrest, big hugs from Texas all da way to Oz for y'all.

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