Top 6 Tips to Speed Up, Optimize & Improve Windows PC Performance

Is your computer extremely slow or freezes up regularly? How to fix slow Windows? From last decade, these Windows 7, 8 and now Win 10 are the brand new operating systems from Microsoft and it is known as a big addition in terms of new features as compared with other OS. As more features are build, these windows are then eating more resources that causing lagging & incredibly slow operations. And now the question is how to optimize Windows? how to make Windows faster that ever? How to disable, enable unwanted features? What are quick ways & essential tips to speed up a slow windows PC? How to speed up laptop for gaming? If you want to find out what makes a computer fast and top tips & tricks to make Windows faster then you are on right page. This page also offers helpful directions & suggestions to speed up laptop in easy steps. What is the best way to make computer faster - Here today, I listed below to offer you some quick, easy ways & steps to improve and optimize Windows for better performance. Learn more about speed up computer & Windows update issues on slow computers that include optimizing RAM, Hard Disk with troubleshooting Windows update.

These are best ways to boost Windows performance. I found these methods working super to run my computer smooth & dramatically faster after troubleshooting windows & taking Windows performance monitoring to a new level. I have combined and listed only best ways from my experiments. Moreover, these steps don't require any paid third party software nor technical knowledge. Follow these free, easy and working tips to make windows faster and faster. This is the ultimate guide to optimizing your computer for peak performance without buying new hardware. You can boost OS operations & performance reliability with these following simple tweaks & techniques.
Tips to Speed Up, Optimize & Improve Windows PC Performance
Tips to Speed Up, Optimize & Improve Windows PC Performance
Once, I had received the question - how to solve a slow PC by disabling unnecessary Windows services? how to fix the computer loads slow? how to make my system faster? in answering to it last time we have seen Quick 5 Tips to Speed Up Windows, Boot Time & Make Windows Faster 2016 and in continuing it, I have added more techniques that will also boost your current windows operation & response time that makes you work faster with the same machine. Follow these steps to speed up your PC 3x faster than ever.

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Top 6 Tips to Optimize & Improve Windows Performance

In most cases, the PC slows down after installing the Microsoft windows developer updates. The performance optimization is an extremely broad subject, there are various free softwares and other methods which can raise & improve your system performance. But we are going to optimize & improve your windows PC or Laptop in a safe manner without any software or tool. Learn to speed Up, clean Up, & revive your Windows PC.

1. Speed Up Your Computer's Boot Time

Specific programs are ready to start up at the time of windows booting, they all causes CPU speed down. Additional or unneeded components in the startup list will clearly lay down your startup time. For examples, yahoo messenger, gtalk, utorrent, quick time or any other unwanted tools... In case, if you don't know about any software stuff, it's not a considerable trouble, perhaps you may ignore by removing them from the startup list. And if you get any problem further, you may restore all desired items into the startup list as it is.... These are the adjustable tricks, without any external software support.

Top 6 Tips to Speed Up, Optimize & Improve Windows PC Performance

Just follow the given steps:
  1. Click Start button >> RUN
  2. "msconfig", without quotas. Press, Enter
  3. A "System Configuration Utility" window will open
  4. Click the Startup tab. Now you will observe the columns like startup items, commands, etc.
  5. Now you have to uncheck the undesired startup items from this list
  6. After this, press OK button
  7. It prompted to restart the computer to apply changes
  8. After restarting, a bulletin will be displayed. You select the option that, "Don't show this message or launch the System Configuration Utility when Windows start"

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2. Add the Quick Launch Bar to the Taskbar

Use quick launch instead of Desktop icons. On computer start up, the desktop icons will take some time to appear. And this causes some delay to begin work. So you do better make your desktop free of icons. However, about regular softwares, use quick launch. Means, create the shortcuts of your regular softwares and drag these shortcut icons on the quick launch bar.

Top 6 Tips to Speed Up, Optimize & Improve Windows PC Performance

To enable a quick launch:
  1. Right click on the taskbar
  2. Under "Toolbars" select the "Quick Launch" option.
The quick launch appears beside the Start button as shown in the image.

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3. Turn Off Indexing in Windows for Better Performance

Indexing Services is a system process which indexes and renovates lists of all the files present over the entire disk on your computer. Furthermore, it uses large amounts of memory and this will make your computer speed lay down. When you search for something on your PC, it helps to search faster by examining the indexed file lists. If you don�t use windows search on your computer frequently, then you can disable file Indexing service.

Top Tips to Speed Up, Optimize & Improve Windows PC Performance

To disable indexing service, do the following:
  1. Go to Start >> Select the Control Panel option
  2. Then Double-click on "Add/Remove Programs" and Click the 'Add/Remove Windows Components' icon on the left side of the window. This may take a few seconds to load. Wait for a while.
  3. Look for the "Indexing Services"component in the list and Uncheck the Indexing Services item from it.
  4. Click Next
  5. Click Finish

The alternative way to search the file from your computer is using the quick searching softwares like AvaFind, Instant File Find. This software finds any desired file you want within a fraction of seconds, perhaps, it finds a file while you're typing the file name. Also, it doesn't cause any memory related problem.

4. Change the theme & optimize visual display quality to speedup PC operations

Windows Visual Appearance is full of visual effects, looks very appealing but displaying all the visual items can waste system resources. It is high time that you disabled all that resource-hogging eye candy to free up precious system resources. Turning off the graphical enhancements in Windows is very easy. For a good report, aesthetics and performance, leaving only the following options enabled. These enhancements, although fancy-looking, do take a heavy toll on your system resources at times.

Top Tips to Speed Up, Optimize & Improve Windows PC Performance

Just follow the steps given below:
  1. Right click on My Computer
  2. Select properties
  3. Go to Advanced tab
  4. In the Performance box click Settings
  5. Under visual effects choose "best performance" You will notice that all the items get unchecked
  6. Now tick only the following items:
    "Use common tasks in folders"
    "Use drop shadows for icons labels on the desktop"
    "Use visual styles on windows and buttons"
  7. Finally, you will see that the option got set to custom automatically, don't bother about it.
    [You can adjust these settings as per your view and requirements]
  8. Click Apply and OK.
After this, your computer will run much faster than previous.

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5. Change the size of the virtual memory paging file

Paging file present on the hard disk which is used by windows regularly as like a RAM. The page file in XP is a hidden file called pagefile.sys. It is regenerated at each boot. Whenever, you are going to do some operation that means, you are doing the operation with your data or files, which always uses actual RAM. In a short way, the actual traffic on the file operation can be minimized by maximizing the paging file size, by means of virtual memory.

Top Tips to Speed Up, Optimize & Improve Windows PC Performance

Optimize the Paging File in Windows:
  1. Right click on My Computer.
  2. Select properties.
  3. Go to Advanced tab In the "Performance" box click Settings.
  4. Go to "Virtual Memory" box click Change.
The Virtual Memory window will appear In "Paging file size for selected drive". Specify for Custom size - initial size(in MB) to 2500 and maximum size(in MB) up to 4000 (This is the maximum value for FAT file system). For NTFS file system, you can specify the maximum size(in MB) to more than 4000.

6. Improving Windows Explorer by Tweaking the Folder Options

Whenever you are going to browse the folders into your system, most of the time you open �My Computer�, here you may notice that there is a minor delay for opening the window. Which is because of Windows automatically searches for network files and printers every time you are going to open Windows Explorer. To resolve this, and to increase browsing speed considerably.. follow the important steps stated below.

Top Tips to Speed Up, Optimize & Improve Windows PC Performance

Improve Windows & File Explorer Using Folder Options:
  1. Open My Computer
  2. Go to Tools menu
  3. Choose Folder Options. You can find it in Control Panel too.
  4. Select View tab
  5. Uncheck the "Automatically search for network folders and printers"
  6. Click Apply & OK.

Bottom Line

All these tips & tricks are fully Tested-OK, so you can try it on your system without any worry... Just follow those steps properly and you feel the boosting energy into your systems like never seen before... Don't forget to share your experience... Plus if you know any better way to speed up the computer system, then you can share it via comment section shown below, I would glad to add it directly into this page.

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