MOST Inspirational & Hard Working YouTube Channels

Entrepreneurs can change the world. They have changed the way how we look at earning our livings. 

The conventional way to getting through the job ladder system has been ripped off due to these amazing young talents around.

The list would tell us how a 15 year old could earning more than what his father could manage in 50 year age. Creativity has no limits. So the parents should have believe in their young minds and let them choose the field of their interest, so that they could excel in what they do and become an icon for the society.

This is my belief. Yesterday i posted Top 10 Short Inspirational Videos For Entrepreneurs. As that list was a true inspiration for every body who wants to do something iconic in their life, in the same way, these young entrepreneurs would really motivate you to set your aims higher than what you could ever think of. Build a trust within your self.

Before I would start the list, you have to note that these are the personalities that inspired me the most and I grew up watching these YouTube channels. :)

1. Christian Guzman

Age: 23
Founder: Alphalete Athletics

Christian guzman

Christian is a famous Fitness YouTuber/Video blogger who started his YouTube channel back in 2012, almost when I personally started this very blog, BloggingeHow. Christian is among very few young lads who have inspired me so much.

I'm one of his early YouTube subscribers, and I admire him because of his pure hard work! I haven't seen many people at this age who are so clear about their vision.

Back in 2012, Christian didn't even had enough funds to buy a simple protein shake for him self. Now, the guy has a fitness apparel company named 'Alphalete', that earns over 5-6 figures monthly.

Christian was able to get his dream cars at this young age, like Lamborghini, BMW i8 and what not.

The guy is super down to earth, has a great family life. Just lately, he bought his father an amazing car, that brought his father into tears.

Total admire him! Every single young brother and sister reading this needs to follow him and get inspired from what he's up to.

2. Marc Fitt

marc fitt

Sharing another great inspiration for me, Marc Fitt, who started his fitness career by getting inspired from the great legend fitness model Greg Plitt.

Marc is also the founder of Rise Gym Gear company that totally changed the life of Marc. With millions of people who got inspired from Marc and his motivational videos on YouTube, he has made an amazing impact in the fitness industry.

These two guys changed my life too. The reason to share them with you is to make sure that you follow them and get inspiration from these young guys.

The are literally changing the world <3

3- Ray William Johnson 

Most Subscribed YouTuber Once
Founder of EqualsThreeStudios

I started watching Ray William Johnson's vlogs 'Breaking NYC' (That are not available any more, as he brought them down) back in 2009 when I was in my Alevels. He moved to NYC with only about 500$ in his pocket, that he talked about in his vlogs.

ray william johnson

Ray had a pretty humble background, his grandfather was a carpenter, as he mentions that from one of his early BreakingNYC episodes.

Now fast forward 6 years later, ray is doing so much that it's hard to follow it in it's entirety. He has 5-6 sub shows under his studios with different hosts for each.

There was one thing that left a mark on my memory, from one of his early videos. Once he went a head explaining how he learnt the 'secret' to become the best. Even since he came to New York City, what ever job he was at, he became the best at it, among his competitors.

Early on, he applied for a waiter job at a hotel. Soon he realized there was one guy who used to get the most tips out of the customers. He learned the skills that guy possessed and soon implemented them on him self.

Few months a head, he became the most tipped person in the hotel. Later he started a YouTube channel from his college dorm room and started studying what made a person most subscribed and viewed on YouTube platform.

He worked hard for it and finally became the most subscribed YouTuber few years back until his goals changed later.

 4- Javon Alvin

Age: Early 20s
Part Of Team Alphalete & a Pro Video Editor

Javon Alvin

As part of the team Alphalete, Javon takes care of the entire video editing stuff for Christian Guzman, whom I just mentioned above. The level of video editing skills he has, it's just amazing to see his work not only for his on YouTube videos, but for entire Alphalete team.

Javon's famous saying "lets get it.." is loved by his fans and subscribers and I personally love the grind he is following since years.

His videos are part of my staple YouTube diet, that I watch every single day when it comes out. :) He motivational words are always inspiring and helped me a lot on my down days, when you don' really want to do much.
Woh! Inspiring? Truly it was for me. The point that every beginners would ask him self that how the hell we could get to such a point. Lets take an example of blogging.

You want to become a pro blogger. The top tips that could take us to the level where world could appreciate us can be these few main points:
Find a topic that you are motivated to write on and gather knowledge for your life time and not get bored.
Then write more and more about it (post frequency and post consistency)
On the same time do follow the basic SEO techniques.
And wait for the results for 1-2 years!

Who're Your Favorite YouTubers?

Let me know in the comments section about your favorite YouTuber stars that you love watching in the free time, or that have impacted your life.

You would find your self in the top blogger list.

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