If you want to know how to rank your blog on the top of the google you need to read the full article and understand that what I told you.
Google is a search engine it needs to crawl web pages around the whole internet and if your title,content are goods you definitely get lots of views.So, if you want to rank on the first page of the google follow the steps and try to understand the concept.
If you are blogger user you need to keep patience and work with the cold mind.
First, go to the settings of the blogger.
Open Dashboard Of your blog and go to
Settings > Basic >
After set a perfect blog title and its description.
After that go to Settings > Search Preferences
Now set the same description in the box.
Now go the same settings > Search Preferences and edit the custom robot.txt
Don't tick as your wish tick as shown in the image.
Your settings part is done now let's come to the SEO part of the post.
Google is a search engine it needs to crawl web pages around the whole internet and if your title,content are goods you definitely get lots of views.So, if you want to rank on the first page of the google follow the steps and try to understand the concept.
If you are blogger user you need to keep patience and work with the cold mind.
Try to understand the google you can see the image first one is the title.
Choose the perfect title,permalink and Description
Open Dashboard Of your blog and go to
Settings > Basic >
After set a perfect blog title and its description.
After that go to Settings > Search Preferences
Now set the same description in the box.
Now go the same settings > Search Preferences and edit the custom robot.txt
Don't tick as your wish tick as shown in the image.
Tick like this |
Your settings part is done now let's come to the SEO part of the post.
SEO While Writing a Post.
Everyone is not grammar experts so the main chance of lowering the google rank is the
grammar mistake.So analyse your grammar mistake download the "Grammarly'
extension and you will see and correct your grammar mistake that is very important.
Enter the best label(tag), Choose the permalinks and the most important is the description.While typing on the blog you have to enter your description and with that description, you can analyse on google.
Here is some image who give an idea to you.
Let's repeat,Choose correct labels like this one as shown in the image if the label is good all is good,you can take help from keyword planner.
Permalinks are just like keyword is the URL if your URL has a keyword google easily determine that.
Now description, choose the best description and this search description shows on the google.
Themes And Content
Choose the easy looking themes not so small not so big layout just keep simple as possible if you use blogger themes it quite boring but you can download the themes from the google search.
The most important part is the content.Google loves content and how good is your content your SEO gets more Good.If you try to set meta description,title,description too good and content boring and unreadable google does not rank it.
Enter correct information that helps the people a lot.Don't make news blog because when the tomorrow has come nobody going to read your news.
If your content is big,true,fresh then no one stops you to rank in google.
Don't copy and paste from another blog just read and make your blog in your own ways.Google know everything and if you try to copy from another website it detects and might block your blog.
Learn from another blog,how they write,what is the idea,how the grow which gadget they use,what is the main viral post of that blog,how to make blogs beautiful.
Don't makes too hard to read your blog just look like normal and go ahead now it's your time to make your blog with the fresh themes,templates,content,gadgets.
Guys,blogging is very boring and unsuccessful for many people but if you give time to your blog definitely it gets too popular and if you try as a part-timer give at least 4 hours to your blog.
Update your blog every 2nd day if you want,update daily and see the states.
Guys,sharing is everything share your blog on twitter,facebook,Tumblr,WhatsApp share much as possible this will increase your blog traffic.
If your blog support thumbnail or featured post update it daily.
Use Disqus comment to your blog.
Work hard to do this type of work and blogging is not easy it can take up to 6 months to drive traffic so don't give up try your best.