How to Increase Google Plus Followers

increase google plus followers

In order to improve google rankings for your page to appear it on the search results, Google Plus plays a very vital role for it. To give your business a good online exposure as well as improve SEO, building a good and powerful brand through Social Media is very important.

One of the unique things that distinguish Google plus from other social media is that it offers with some great features and openness that allows sharing as well as engaging with the contents of other people.

Working on Google plus is completely different as compared to other social media channels, as instance people are more active on Facebook and Twitter. So getting a follower and comment on a post in Google plus can be challenging.

Ways to increase Google plus followers

Here I have listed some of the awesome ways that will give you a better exposure and followers in Google plus.

Building a Reputation through G+ profile

There are many fake accounts and fake identities for different social media accounts. It is very important to establish your identity among the people by providing all the details of education and professional background. It is always recommended to use the original picture for your profile. A short introduction and a cover picture will help you to establish a genuine looking profile. Ones you are logged in to Google plus, go ahead to fill your profile.

Promote yourself through other Social Networks

After you have created the G+ account you can ask your followers and friends to check your new Google plus page and promote it through Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Building a Community by following others

To reach out to more and more people and to get more followers is by following the people with similar area of interest. It will help you to establish your presence, as when others see that you are in the same area connected with similar people than they are more likely to circle you back.

Make your presence by inviting others to follow

Asking others to follow you can be indeed challenging. It should not look like that you are begging but at the same time you want to build your own community. It is good to create the circles based on the locations and area of interest. Let people know about you and you can add the G+ link to your email signature. Adding relevant people to your circle will definitely result for adding you back and this will also benefit your business page indirectly.

Growing number of followers through Google Plus badge

Adding Google plus badge can be considered as a snippet for the website that will allow the users to engage with you directly on the website. This will allow others to add your page or profile to their circles and follow you. It is just similar to Facebook Like box.

Join Communities of your Interest

There are many communities on G+ depending upon the area of interest. In order to have a big follower list, it is good to join such communities that will help to grow the potential followers. Remember do not spam the community only with your post but share other interesting things also.

Trust me if you follow the above listed ways than there will be a vast increase in the Google plus followers over months. If you follow these tips seriously than I am sure that you will surely establish yourself as a big and powerful brand name. Feel free to share some more tips that can help to grow your followers. And let us know that, have you grown your followers by following these simple tips?

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