If you are a blogger or a YouTuber you need many kinds of images for thumbnails,tutorials but if you search image on google there are some images that are royalty free but we don't know how to find it.Today I'm going to show you how to get a royalty free images plus I'm also going to show you my second source of royalty free images.
How to get Royalty free images from Google?
Go to images.google.com and search your images for eg : car and press enter.
Google crawl all images including royalty and royalty free so,we have to filter it.
After searching you image Click on Search Tools and choose the second option that is labeled for reuse with modification.
Click to zoom Now,all your image is royalty free and you can use it anywhere.
Now you can find two sites.
1- Google images (Filtered)
1- Google images (Filtered)