Flower Friday

Well, da kitchen remuddlin continues - it doesn't look like any bacon will be comin outta there tomorrow morning, dat's for shure.  So be shure to send you bacon care packages right to me, I are gonna need em.

I might even share wif Crockett . . . 

We's managing ok. All of us are still missin Whitley tons and Finley has been sleepin in my bed wif my momma.  At furst, I wuzn't too shure bout dat, but I are startin to warm up to her.  

And now for da flowers, I knows I's promised I'd show y'all some outside flowers, and I will.  But dis week, momma got a beeyootifull orchid plant from Sydney and everyone at Chewy.com in honor of Whitley, and we wanted to show ya.

Da flowers are white, just like Whitley.

It wuz so sweet of Sydney to send dis plant, Chewy are a company dat really cares and one we definitely recommend.

Whitley's pal Dory is hostin a Dress Up for Whitley on May 23 - for more informayshun, check out Dory's blog.

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