Use DC Dublin Core Elements [Meta Tags] To Boost PageRank

For any website, the SEO meta description is one of the most important factors to get higher in search results. Dublin Core is equivalent as that of general Meta elements i.e. Meta data/Meta tags used for SEO description; however, it provides a standards-based approximation to search engine optimization, which goes with your HTML meta-data. Similarly, just like the to define metadata for SEO purposes, the Dublin Core elements are the combination of meta tag elements and preferably used to provide the important site content like description, keywords by which the search engines or other resources can be used it to index site content. It usually used as SEO site description to boost your organic search results. It's simple to include Dublin Core HTML metadata elements, to the HTML header. These DC Meta tags are mostly placed above tag. This article explains to you how to insert DC Dublin Core meta tags [metadata] in XML, i.e. your blog. You may use this in any HTML template as well. Learn something new Dublin Core tutorial about SEO and meta tags that will pass through Google search architecture.
DC Dublin Core Elements [Meta Tags] Boost PageRank
DC Dublin Core Elements [Meta Tags] Boost PageRank 

If you are looking for what are Google tags, and how to generate SEO meta tags for your site quickly then you can check: Online Free META Tag Generator - HTML meta tags SEO Tool.

DC Dublin Core Elements [Meta Tags]

Now the question is, how to define metadata? Here the simple example of dublin core elements [DCMES - Dublin Core Metadata Element Set] and it's made of SEO description meta elements shown below;

Title: title of the site
Creator: Owner of the site
Format: Format of the site likes text/HTML
Subject: Keywords
Publisher: Name of a publisher
Identifier: Url of a site
Language: Language of the content
Date: Created date
Modified: Modified date
Description: SEO site description
Type: Nature of content

DCMI Dublin Core Metadata Element Set for SEO and Usability

1. This D.C. Meta element includes the Resource Description Framework (RDF) support, causes more indexing to boost site rank.

2. Increases the indexing in scientific catalogues.

3. D.C. gives the mean of the site content to determine the meaning of the text or other data and then create junctions for the user through the search engines easily.

4. It assists your site to be used for the advanced use in search engine to begin to index.

5. Boost the site contents in Semantic Web. (Semantic Web: it is a structure for the search engines to get recognized the meaning of information on the W.W.W. (World Wide Web).

6. Easy to use with XML.

7. D.C. quickly illustrates the site component to all search engines.

8. D.C. is the professional way to describe the entire content of the page of the site in a short outline.

9. It rescues a number of internal search engines operation and fetches information.

10. It provides a simple plus standardized set of conventions for describing site-stuff on-line in ways that force them easier to find.

11. D.C. clarify elements and supports the use of encoding and vocabulary schemes.

Also read, Don't Add Dynamic Meta Tags: Best SEO Tip.

The HTML meta tags SEO format of Dublin Core meta data:

Dublin Core Schema:
<META CONTENT='text/html' NAME='DC.Format' scheme='IMT'/>
<META CONTENT='en; English' NAME='DC.Language' scheme='RFC1766'/>
<META CONTENT='1999-05-12' NAME='DC.Date'/>
<META CONTENT='2010-05-12' NAME='DC.Date.Modified'/>
<META CONTENT='text' NAME='DC.Type' scheme='DCMIType'/>
[Here you have to change the blue colored words according to your site]

Bottom Line:

The keywords used in Dublin Core elements are treated as SEO meta description for your site material and then used exclusively if they also occur in the title, content, description. Possibly using DCMI Dublin Core Metadata Element Set keywords that precisely match the HTML keywords and the page's content boost the weight given to the HTML because the DC Metadata keywords set up a base of standards-based credibility required for Google search architecture.

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