Top 15 Things To Do BEFORE Publishing A New Blog Post

So you have done with writing a quality content for all of your readers and going to publish a new blog post on your website, but wait... wait and check some important things before publishing a blog post. We are learning from how to create a blog and how to publish your writing and how to make money online. But as like the IT task management people, we also need to manage our tasks carefully ahead to publish articles online. And I'm sure, this article definitely helps you to complete following checklist items similar to the project task management software since you are managing your business blog sites, and unlike the SEO plugins this will improve the method to build websites SEO strategy. These are top 15 quick marketing steps to take BEFORE you publish a new article. No need to remember all the things, just bookmark this page as a Blog Post Checklist - you should do to every blog post BEFORE you hit PUBLISH. So this page will work just like a blog post editing service that will help to improve PageRank.
Things To Consider Before Publishing Blog Post
Things To Consider Before Publishing Blog Post
Last time we have seen; On-Page SEO Checklist 2016 to Boost Your PageRank. The search engine optimization is most important just like published article on writing or developing blog. Therefore, get this SEO checklist that includes 15 items you need to consider before publishing new blog posts.

Also read; 3 QuickTips To Review, Edit & Republish Old Posts To Increase Website Traffic

15 To-Dos Before Publishing New Blog Post

Wait before pressing PUBLISH button, you are not yet done, check your posts with the following most important things that will determine your article will be useful enough or truly great.

1. Check Post Title

Your post title should be catchy, attractive, beautiful, sticky and proper enough irresistible headline to convert your visitor to readers.

2. Proper permalink or permanent links

Your first 3 words of the link are the key points that decide post position in SERP.

3. Have you added high paying keywords?

Don't forget to add high paying CPC keywords as well as search related long tail keywords that will help you to bring more organic traffic.

4. Check spellings

Keep an eye on spellings. Regular spellcheck, grammar and content formatting are most important for the better online reputation. No long paragraphs and no short length content posts - keep these points in your mind.

5. Add images with ALT tag, Caption

Don't forget to add the required attributes to featured images & links as well. Also, you need to add the caption for indexing your images.

6. Add Internal Links or External links

Whenever there is a need you need to add inbound/internal links, this will surely help for better page views. Make sure all links are working properly. You can set external links to open in a new tab in SEO point of view.

7. Add dofollow tags to internal links

Don't forget to add DOFOLLOW tags for internal links.

8. Add nofollow tags to external links

Don't forget to add NOFOLLOW tags for external links.

9. Add Categories or Tags, Labels

Your post should be categorised with proper tags or labels for better navigation of new readers. This will improve user experience and so page views.

10. Add search META Description

You need to add proper and convincing meta description which will bring the user that searching on Google to directly on your page.

Also read: Online META Tag Generator | Free SEO Tool

11. Proper H1, H2 Tag, & Bold, Italic phrases.

Use heading and sub-heading from <H1> to <H3> tags to break the contents wisely. This will help search engine to prioritise your title, links to determine your content properly. Whenever you need use bold and italic phrases to get more attention to those keywords that describe the subject of the post. This will help to improve readability & SEO in On-Page web Optimization.

12. Add Jump-Link

Insert jump link properly since most of the template not support auto link.

13. If there, add AD codes

In some cases, plugins help to place ads in content automatically, but it works only when we placed ad codes properly into the content.

14. Add LOCATION to the post

If you are driving traffic from country targeting audience then you need to add proper location to each post.

15. Add Call For Comment

Last but not least, after each post you need to add some lines at the bottom of the post that will encourage readers to comment and call your regular readers to post their reviews via comments. This will improve user engagement on your site.

This is a quick checklist and I must say you need to consider these things before publishing new blog posts. If anything I have missed out, or if you want to add something to this list, you can share it via comments, I would like to add it directly to this list.