Sunday Selfies

Crockett knows to give da peeples what dey wants in a selfie, and dat are tongue!!!

Yesterday I managed to steal some blueberry muffins.  See, Crockett's momma took da eggstra blueberry muffins from brunch and put dem in a ziploc baggie on da counter.  Den da mommas left to walk da dogs.  Well, I knocked da bag to da floor, ripped it open, and nibbled on a few muffins.  YUMMM.

Unfortunately da muffins are in da fridge now and dey didn't take any chances wif leavin da lemon coffee cake around.

Yesterday Angelique wuz tryin to fight da kitty in da glass.  Pawin at her own refleckshun.  She may be pretty and fluffy, but yeah, she's not eggsactly a genius.  Not like muffin-stealin me.

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