How to Declare Encoding for Your Website via Charset attribute?

Search engine optimization

When a website load then at the backend many scripts encode first and after that they present to visitors. But this is always unknown by website visitors that what is happening or how a website works to give final appearance to its visitors. You may hear about character encoding but you may not aware about it. Character encoding is the way that letters, digits and other symbols are expressed as numeric values that a computer can understand. Similarly a website build with HTML or XML code and particularly it saved on character encoding form. While a user wants to see that website then a set of information sent to browsers, as a result browsers encode those characters for rendering the web page. But search engine can�t understand about the encoded HTML or XML page, for this reason we should declare or specify the encoding character.

Why You Should Declare Encoding?

You have already got a basic idea about encoding declaration. In addition we can say encoding declaration helps the website to recognize and interpret what characters have used on your website. Whatever your Blog category you must declare encoding. On the other hand encoding declaration helps to display all characters correctly on all devices. It is even more important to have Encoding on your website.

How should I declare the encoding In Blogger Site?

Everything has a system to define or specifying in HTML or XML. And if we go through it then it is very easy for us to declare or define encoding in our website. But if you don�t declare encoding then all characters in your webpage will be incorrectly interpret. So we must declare encoding for our website via HTML.

As a Blogger Platform user we can declare encoding by using a Meta element with a charset attribute. And this procedure is widely accepted and simple. And this Meta tag should be place after opening head tag.

Step 1 Log in to your Blogger Account and Go to your Blogger Dashboard

Step 2 Click on -> Template -> Edit HTML-> 

Step 3 Now locate <head>

Step 4 And paste the following any Meta charset after/below <head>

<meta charset="utf-8"/>


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>

Step 5 And lastly click Save template button.

You can use any one charset both are same. But in Blogger template second one widely used. In case of using charset a small confusion remains on users mind that should I use charset with small or capital letter? e.g. UTF-8 or utf-8. It doesn't matter which you use both are same.

How to Declare Encoding via HTML?

Aren�t you website hosted in Blogger? Then no problem you can use this charset in any Blogging platform. Just you need to declare Character encoding with similar tag and this must be below opening tag.

  • Character encoding Declaration For HTML5. You don't need to add opening or closing <head>


<meta charset=�UTF-8?>


  • Character encoding Declaration for HTML4.01 with more detailed encoding thus search engine find easy to understand. You don't need to add opening or closing <head> Just use meta tag on your website. 


<meta http-equiv=�Content-Type� content=�text/html; charset=UTF-8?>


This is highly recommended that use character encoding declaration with details information. Because it is easy to understand by all search engine.

I hope this tutorial will help you to declare encoding for your Blog or website. For any further query feel free to write me. Happy Blogging.  

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