Angelique's Bad Day

Well, I wuz all set to do my Wordless Wednesday post today, but Angelique had so much goin on, I figgered I'd better tell ya about it.  As I's menshuned a couple times, Angie has been havin some ishooes wif inappropriate peein.  So da mommas wanted to take her to da vet to get her checked out to make shure it wuzn't a UTI or somefin else medical.  Well, she sang da song of our peeple on da way there (da mommas say it are da loudest dey has heard Angie meow).  When dey got to da vet, my momma put da carrier on da ground and Angie started snortin funny and soon she wuz thrashin.  It wuz like she got so stressed out she had a panic attack and a see-shure or somefin.  Poor girl.  Anyways, she calmed down and da vet gave her some meds and a sa-ringe so da mommas can collect some pee for analysis if she pees outside da box again - dat's not a job I'd want!

Anyways, after she wuz home, Angelique got up wif my momma and my woof sisfur Whitley to nap on da couch.  Unlike me and Crockett, Angie pretty much avoids da dogs, so we knew she musta been feelin bad and wantin some speshul attenshuns.

She wuz being a real sweetheart.

When she woke up, she gacked up a lil bit of bile - we think it wuz mainly becuz she hadn't eaten all day. But she's eaten since then and seems to be doin ok now.  She just didn't have a good day at all.

Me and Crockett has just been chillin, but we didn't want y'all to forget what we looked like.  MOL!

I'm hopin Angie's feelin all better soon, it are no fun to fight wif a girl who's already havin a tuff day.

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