The main purpose of SEO we should have because we want to get a lot of traffic visitors blog. If not, then don't run out-optimized our blog needs. So now I want to share how to get lots of traffic to your blog using Google Webmaster Tools...
If you already understand how to make your blog correctly, then you definitely have learned that you have to play in the right keywords. So this is the main purpose of this article, who invited you to do proper keyword research (continued) using the Google Webmaster Tools.
The addition of the visitor target in Google Webmaster Tools
First of all of course you need to be logged into your Google account and login to Google Webmaster Tools
If you've been in the Google Webmaster Tools home page, then click on the blog that you want to optimize. You will be taken towards the House webmaster blog.
To increase visitor traffic blog, you should definitely optimize the best keywords that you can snap away from your blog. So for that please select the SEARCH TRAFFIC and click on the search query.
You will see there are very many keywords that are displayed. See the example below.
As you can see that there are 3 key words with a different number of impressions. From this picture You can see that the keyword B is the highest received. So from this keyword You are very likely to add much visitor traffic blog.
Why I say it is very likely? Note the positionnya recently achieved an average of 5.5. It shows between the three key words in the upper keys B get the lowest position. A low position is identical to the number of clicks that a little more. You can see it from the CTR is only 4%.
Can you imagine if this keyword optimization and you get 1.5 average position? Surely Your CTR will also have about 50% and that means the number of clicks you will earn will rise from approximately 60 click to half the clicks.
What you can do to add to the blog visitors from keyword B?
You can do 3 main things. First; You have to find backlinks to B won the keyword page, and at the same time you should also add a backlink to your site.
Second, don't forget to write some new articles that are still associated with the article (or homepage) that won those keywords. After that make sure the article is still relevant that there is a link to your page optimization.
Third, make sure that the quality is optimized and fully optimized article. The quality here is complete enough in terms of discussing the topic; and, if necessary, include a picture or even a video support material. Thus you will look like it has an article that is really designed to make it easy for your blog readers.
So as a prefix, please go to Your Google Webmaster Tools and find keywords that received a high CTR and average but positionnya is still low.