High PR Directory Submission List and Advantages of It

Best Benefits of Using a Directory Submission

No one will ever underestimate the power of the Internet, and the wonderful things that you can do on it. Did you know you can create a Business website directory? These are online directories that categorize businesses and links based on their nature, something similar to Yellow Pages.

Local Directory Site

Directory submissions are used for three specific reasons:

  1. To get back links
  2. To improve online visibility
  3. To increase traffic to your website. Your business stands a greater chance of being found by search engines via a directory than through your website.

Let�s look into the benefits of submitting your links to web directories.

1. Indexing of the website by search engines

The best way to announce your presence to a search engine is by way of web directories.

2. Search engines favour the sites submitted to directories

When your website is registered to a directory, the site will not appear on a directory immediately. It will be received by the webmaster, where it will be decided if it is worthy to be in their directory. As the whole process is supervised by a human being, search engines rely on that directory and favour links submitted to directories. 

3. Increase of the website ranking in the search engines

The one thing that a search engine counts when assigning a rank to a site is the number of links the website has. The more the links, the higher its rating in search engines. However it is not only the quantity that matters; the quality of links matters too. Its best to have fewer links from important sites than have numerous links from obscure sites.

4. Relevant category for website

If your site has poor text description, but is rich in images, flash and animation content, the spiders of search engines may not categorize your website to a relevant topic. If you submit your site to a relevant category in a directory, you can enable a search engine to categorize your website under a relevant topic.

5. Easy Search of the Site by targeted keywords/phrases

When you submit your site to web directories, you usually provide the site URL, title, description and keywords. You should and must use your top keywords in your title, making it easier for search engines to find the link to your site by targeted keywords/phrases.

6. Generate more Traffic to your site

Today most people use search engines to find the necessary information. However web directories are used as well. If satisfied by the service, visitors will bring more traffic to your site. This way, both popularity and the amount of traffic in your site increases.

No matter what type of online business you run, there is always a specific directory to cater to your need. Simply submit your site to that directory and get the quality traffic you want.

High PR Business Directory Site List
  1.  2findlocal.com
  2.  Drigz Directory
  3.  Pigz Directory
  4.  Internet Access Directory
  5.  Sitemoz Directory
  6.  Flightz Directory
  7.  agreatertown.com
  8.  akama.com
  9.  bing.com
  10.  bizcommunity.com
  11.  bizdays.com
  12.  bizfinding.com
  13.  bizhwy.com
  14.  bizlistdirectory.com
  15.  biznet-us.com
  16.  bizvotes.com
  17.  brownbook.net
  18.  busylisting.com
  19.  cataloxy.us
  20.  chamberofcommerce.com
  21.  city-data.com
  22.  citybase.com
  23.  cityfos.com
  24.  cityinsider.com
  25.  citysquares.com
  26.  communitywalk.com
  27.  companylist.org
  28.  corpfire.com
  29.  cortera.com
  30.  credibility.com
  31.  cylex-usa.com
  32.  ebusinesspages.com
  33.  elocal.com
  34.  expressbusinessdirectory.com
  35.  expressupdate.com
  36.  ezlocal.com
  37.  facebook.com
  38.  finduslocal.com
  39.  forlocations.com
  40.  foursquare.com
  41.  fyple.com
  42.  gbguides.com
  43.  getfave.com
  44.  getfreelisting.com
  45.  golocal247.com
  46.  gomylocal.com
  47.  hotfrog.com
  48.  ibegin.com
  49.  igotbiz.com
  50.  insiderpages.com
  51.  kudzu.com
  52.  lacartes.com
  53.  linkedin.com
  54.  list-company.com
  55.  local.6qube.com
  56.  local.botw.org
  57.  local.com
  58.  local.yahoo.com
  59.  localnoggins.com
  60.  localpages.com
  61.  localstack.com
  62.  localstore.net
  63.  magicyellow.com
  64.  manta.com
  65.  merchantcircle.com
  66.  mojopages.com
  67.  myhuckleberry.com
  68.  mysheriff.net
  69.  mywebyellow.com
  70.  naymz.com
  71.  nexport.com
  72.  opendi.us
  73.  panoramio.com
  74.  plus.google.com
  75.  quora.com
  76.  rateitall.com
  77.  ratemyarea.com
  78.  salespider.com
  79.  shoplocally.com
  80.  shopping-time.com
  81.  showmelocal.com
  82.  slideshare.net
  83.  smartguy.com
  84.  socialraves.com
  85.  spoke.com
  86.  storeboard.com
  87.  superpages.com
  88.  topix.com
  89.  trivok.com
  90.  trustlink.org
  91.  tupalo.com
  92.  tuugo.us
  93.  us.enrollbusiness.com
  94.  wampit.com
  95.  wand.com
  96.  wherezit.com
  97.  yalwa.com
  98.  yasabe.com/en
  99.  yellez.com
  100.  yellmy.com
  101.  yellowbot.com
  102.  yellowpagecity.com
  103.  yellowpages.com
  104.  yellowusa.com
  105.  yelloyello.com
  106.  yelp.com
  107.  youreview.net
  108.  zipleaf.us

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