Selecting right hosting service for your WordPress site is the precondition for making a site awesome. If you select poor hosting then you won�t able to run your WordPress site smoothly. There are various hosting service provider site available over the net. Among them BlueHost is one of the best service provider.
Try BlueHost
And under each plan you will find three categories such as Basic, Plus and Business Pro. From my point of view Plus service is very effective for users because they get many facility from it. But for beginners they can choose Basic plan, however this can be upgrade anytime.
BlueHost is oldest webhosting service providing company founded by Matt Heaton and started their journey in 1996. As a result they are now become popular brand in hosting service. BlueHost Currently serving over 2 million websites worldwide. However BlueHost is officially recommended by WordPress. You don�t have to worry about their service; they are trusted by millions of users. It goes without say that BloggerSpice user will get special offers from BlueHost.
There are huge reviews available over the net about BlueHost. And there is some common feature of BlueHost- Unlimited hosting features, Free Domain for first year, Anytime Money back guarantee. Those are common features of a hosting company. But the main features of BlueHost can be point out as-
- BlueHost is simple, secured and easily manageable.
- Free Domain that comes with hosting.
- Free Site Builder for making your site professional.
- 1 Click to Install WordPress site.
- Google Apps Integration for your Work
- BlueHost offer 24/7 Support through their expert team
- 30 day Money-back Guarantee in case of dissatisfaction.
- BlueHost users will get leverage advertising offers from Google, Bing and other popular sites.
1. BlueHost is simple, secured and easily manageable
For selecting an appropriate hosting site we must consider some major factors. And among them security come first. BlueHost is most secured hosting service provides and you will find the BlueHost�s interface very simple and easy to use and manage.
BlueHost also introduced Cloud Sites which is powerful, simple, and surprisingly affordable. Now your data is safer and faster.
2. Rock Solid Server Performance
Users will impress with BlueHost�s server performance. This is not only my personal opinion or judgment rather BlueHost�s web host uptime score is 99.9% on average. This is amazingly super performance. And according to price server performance is pretty impressive.
In addition BlueHost�s site speed tested whose score is 23 and 26 milliseconds form United States West and East Coast server. And overall their score is B.
3. User friendly Dashboard
A dashboard helps the users to work smoothly. BlueHost�s dashboard is pretty clean and standard. They are running standard cPanel with the custom UI design. And users find it flexible; simply can be say BlueHost�s dashboard is user friendly.
On the other hand BlueHost offers many addons for make it more user friendly, which is not available on other web hosting service provider. Their addons are-
- phpPgAdmin
- Language preferances
- 404 settings
- Dedicated domain management system
- Built-in support for Spam Hammer, goMobi, Weebly, Cloud Flare and so on.
4. Google Apps Integration for your Work
BlueHost integrated Google apps for your work with hosting account. BlueHost Seamlessly integrated with users hosting account.
You can use Gmail with professional domain name.
Users can store and share on Google Drive.
Also Google Hangout helps the users to meet face to face.
You can manage your work with Google calendar.
In addition Google Docs, sheets and slides helps to collaborate easily.
This means you don�t have to worry for branded email, storing files and additional work with BlueHost.
5. Wide range of Hosting Choices
There are different Hosting services available on BlueHost. It varies on prices but most of the users looking for beast cheap hosting services. If you want to run a personal Blog then shared hosting is suitable for you, but for professional or Business site VPS or Dedicated hosting suitable.
There are four level of Hosting Plan available on BlueHost. Such as-
- Shared Hosting
- VPS Hosting
- Dedicated Hosting
- Reseller Hosting
And under each plan you will find three categories such as Basic, Plus and Business Pro. From my point of view Plus service is very effective for users because they get many facility from it. But for beginners they can choose Basic plan, however this can be upgrade anytime.
6. Leverage advertising offers
This is a great opportunity for your online Business. For promoting our Business, often we need to run online ad campaign. However BlueHost users will get special leverage advertising offers from Google, Bing and other leading sites. BlueHost users will get over $150 in offers from leading advertising company.
7. Customer Support from BlueHost Expert
Customer support is an important part for the users. After purchasing hosting service if users don�t get support to solve various issues then it brings negative impact on products and services. But don�t worry about BlueHost because they have huge knowledgebased for customer support. For your convenience BlueHost provides comprehensive documentations for their services. In addition you will get video tutorial on their YouTube channel.
Alternatively BlueHost has trained in-house experts and they are dedicated to provide support 24/7 from help center.
8. Anytime Money Back Guarantee
BlueHost is more flexible about their client. They don�t forced to use their service. If you satisfy by their service then you can go with them otherwise you can stop using their service. BlueHost Offer 30 days money back guarantee without any extra fees or hidden charge. So users will happier to judge the performance and service first then they can use it. You never feel locked into contract and there are not any hidden fees or gimmicks. Get refund anytime upon dissatisfaction.
Final Verdicts
In conclusion BlueHost can be treating as number one hosting service provider among various web hosting companies. You will obviously love their service and performance and pricing.
BlueHost is charging $3.49 per month but their renewal fee is comparatively expensive. BlueHost�s renewal prices are much higher than signup promotion price. But this is general norm and policy of all hosting companies. But if you are looking for quality service then you must consider this. And Blogger Spice�s number one recommended hosting is BlueHost.