5 Tips By Google to Grow Your Site Visitors

5 Tips By Google to Grow Your Site Visitors on BloggingFunda

What are tips to grow site visitors?

Bloggers who are will to increase their adsense earning but unable to find the way to do so.

Don't worry, this post has everything for you to learn and implement while blogging to get maximum output.

For this, you just have to go through the entire post to learn what are the main lacking areas you need to start while blogging.

If you are blogging for the long time then this is possible that you know about but if you are a new blogger, then you need to take care about the content you are using for your blog.

You need to boost your content to increase visibility of your blog. And if your blog's visibility is increased then your adsense earning will increase automatically.

How to Grow your Site Visitors?

#1. Content Boost for Your Blog

Like other publishers, I guess you think a lot about how to grow your site audience.

There is no surprise that for this topic, content is key and king.

As you may know that great content attracts more visitors and also engages new users and keeps your wonderful old users coming back again and again because old visitor are the backbone of your blogging career.

But the question is how do you produce content that is high in quality, value, and uniqueness?

To get the answer, look back to why you became a blogger and an AdSense publisher.

Always do what you love and your content will automatically be at the heart of all you are doing.

To boost your blog content as you build your new content, use five tips to create an engaging relationship with your readers.

If you really want to boost your blog content the always remember following three Tips:-
  1. Be Targeted
  2. Be Consistent
  3. Be Frequent
To follow above 3 tips for boosting your content, remember you are first writing for yourself and then for others.

When it comes to write for others, you take time to figure out who is reading your content and what topics they find most interesting.

Does your blog get comments about any topic discussed in your blog?

If yes, you should focus on the guys who is commenting on your  blog.

Update your blog content as often as you can to increase the visibility, loyalty with your readers.

It is only possible with regular updates of your blog that you�ll build trust and engagement with your readers, and they will be more likely to share your content with their friends and family.

The second but most important step is to create visual content within your textual content to increase readership and engagement with your visitors.

And for this you have to create engaging videos for your blog content.

#2. Create engaging videos

In present technological environment everyone is having at least one device to see the visual content.

This is because people are crazy about videos.

Do you know that the average mobile viewing session on YouTube is now around 30+ minutes.

The main advantage of using visual content within your blog is that it will boost the amount of time your visitors spend on your site by using video and photos.

But remember the following tips to increase readership and engagement while using any visual content within your blog:-
  • Create your own videos because doing so will give your blog personality and unique content.
  • If you can then try adding a separate video section for your blog
  • Try to integrate videos within your blog posts
  • You can also use A/B testing for your video to find the best place for adding videos within content
Remember, if you are using videos that aren't yours, make sure that you have the rights to distribute them.

However, you can use any visual content by giving proper credits to the creator of that video.

Now there are huge increase in the usage of mobile and people are using their smart phones to visit website, to shop online and to engage with their social circles.

So the 3rd step is to create your blog a mobile friendly:-

#3. Create Mobile Friendly Layout

Now it is seen that there is a trend of mobile internet everywhere because it is convenience to travel without loosing your favorite channel, content, latest updates in news.

So Be Mobile Friendly: -As per google update:-
"The number of smartphone users is estimated to grow by 16% to two billion users in 2015. In all, web access from mobile phones will represent 69% of all traffic by 2017, according to emarketer.com. The average user now spends almost three hours per day on mobile devices."

Why you should use mobile friendly layout and design mobile friendly content for your blog?

Well, there are several benefits of using mobile friendly layout of your blog and mobile friendly content desing but the main benefits are as follows:-
  1. To attract more visitors
  2. To optimize your blog
  3. To optimize your earning
Do you know that your site needs to be accessible anywhere and anytime, on smartphones and every other device?
Infographic Source: Google Adsense

#4. Go Social to Maximize Readership

Today's trend is about having social circles and if you want to get maximum visits or readers from around the globe then you should go with social media.

Because the way users find and share content has changed and all credit goes to technology and social media sites.

Do you know that direct and search traffic affect your visitors count?

And social sharing is the main key for your blog visitor to share your content among other social circles.

So you must adopt any social media strategy.

Remember, and make sure you should have the most important message in the first few moments to show your visitors.

Always use social sharing buttons/widgets or plugins to help your visitors to share your content on the spot. 

For this don't forget to use large icons to highlight those sharing options.

You should try A/B testing where those buttons get the best engagement: at the top, at the bottom or embedded right in your blog layout..

For the best user experience, keep those buttons separated from your AdSense ads.

#5. Look inside your blog analysis

Google has given you all the features and tools to dig your blog's performance, know in-depth about the behavior of your blog visitors, a deeper understanding of your audience and their demographics, time on site, which pages people leave fast, and which they visit most etc.

Then you can use these insights to provide your users with the right content on right time to get more overall output.

Do you have some top tips of your own? Share them with us in the comments below.

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