10 Things That Encourage People To Choose Blogger for Blogging Purpose

Blogger (blogspot) is one of the best blogging platform, and it is one of the best product of Google. Its users have been increasing day by day. Unlike the wordpress, it has some limit features. However, it has many more important merits. Being a product of google, some SEO experts recommend this platform for blogging purpose. Many bloggers choose blogspot because it is a simple freely provided blogging system by google. It facilitates us to choose sub-domain, but you also can add your custom domain name, and it is free of cost. That is why, you do not need to buy any other blogging CMS.

Why to choose blogger for blogging purpose ?
  1. Very simple and easy to use
  2. It is a Free System
  3. Light weight blogging CMS
  4. Unlimited Space
  5. Provides Free Templates
  6. SEO Friendly System
  7. Supports for Adsense Monetization
  8. Provide HTTPs protocol (blog visible in encrypted connection)
  9. Provides service to import and export the contents
  10. A product of Google

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