Basics before starting a blog are here in this post which is specially written for very new and dummies in blogging legend.
What is Hosting?
On the internet if you create a blog or website then you must have hosting, hosting in general words is like memory required for your files, photos and videos.
There are monthly charges for hosting and it is bought, the top places to buy hosting are Hostagator and Bluehost.
Note: If you cannot afford hosting then you do not need to worry because Google provides free hosting for its blogs.
Where to start an Online Blog?
On the internet there are several sites for blogging. Blogger, WordPress and Tumbler are top on the list.
Most of the new bloggers use Blogger platform due to following reasons.
It's hosting is completely free.
Using its platform is very easy.
Due to new in blogging we will use Blogger to create a free website in our course.
What is Domain Name?
When we open a website we write a website address like (This is also called URL)
This URL has parts which are as below.
Http -- it is called protocol
www.mastfun4u -- Second level Domain Name.
.com -- Top Level Domain or Premium Domain Name. -- In this case Blogspot is subdomain.
Hope you have understood Domain. Now coming to the free blogs.
On different free blogging platform there are different domain names like.
YourSiteName -- For BloggerPlatform -- A Subdomain
YourSiteName -- For WordPreesPlatform -- A Subdomain
YourSiteName -- For TumblrPlatform -- A Subdomain
Hence top level domains or premium domains are not for free , they can be bought for yearly charges (Approx. charges are $10 - $50)
Here you can get free premium domain
The Premium Domains may be.
.com, .net, .org, .edu, .gov, .pk etc.
Here .org shows that it is an organization, .edu shows that it is an education institute domain and .pk shows that it is a country domains like Pakistan.
Note: Above domain is about website where as e-mail addresses have also domain, in that case, the characters after "@" are domains like.
Your-Address@ -- Here Domain is
Your-Address@ -- Here Domain is
Your-Address@ -- Here Domain is
What is Traffic in Internet?
On internet, page views are considered as traffic. as much as visits you have so much so traffic you have.
The visitors which your site is getting from Google search or other search engines is known as Organic traffic
Visitor which site is getting from other places like social site and e mails in called referral traffic.
You can get traffic from Social Media like Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter, and from e-mail marketing.
The visitors which your site is getting from Google search or other search engines is known as Organic traffic
Visitor which site is getting from other places like social site and e mails in called referral traffic.
From where will I receive traffic?
If you want to receive traffic from google the there is best Keyword Planner Tool.You can get traffic from Social Media like Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter, and from e-mail marketing.
What are social signals?
The pages and posts shared on social site generate a backlink to your blog that link and visitor through that link are called social signals and these social signals play an important role in SEO. The main social sites are Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Stumbleupon, Raddit and Digg and these share a huge traffic which is called referral trafficThings to keep in mind before writing a Blog.
If you are making a blog for earning money then you must keep these things in your mind.
Original Content:
Here content means, the articles, images, pictures, video, games and software that you post into your blog, while doing blogging these should be purely your own and nothing should be copied from whole internet.
However, heading or post titles make no issue of copyright and you can write those in your post. In the case you want to post someone's content on your blog then you will have to get permission from the owner and will have to give him a credit in your post's bottom. (i.e credit:MastFun4u)
Post length:
Your each post should not be less than 400 words. If your post has picture then it will look attractive as lengthy as your post is so more visitors will be on your site.
Bonus tips:
You can get pictures free for your blog from pixabay or but search there for free pictures.
We will soon post about free articles as well, or else contact us via comment box below.
If you are making blog for making money then video blog which is called Vblog will not be suitable because Google or other search engines search the content with the text searched on internet but if you post a video on your blog then you must write at least 400 words with it.
But if you cannot get adsense then there are alternatives to this too like revenue hits and infolinks.
SEO is done using internal linking, external linking, backlinking and keywords
On page SEO and Off page SEO.
How will I earn money from my blog?
If you have a blog or website you may earn with it, what you will have to do is just create a blog and show ads on it. The best advertising system is "Ad sense" which is provided by Google itself but getting adsense approved is quietly difficult but if you have more than 30 posts of more than 400 words and you receive about 500 visits in a day and your blog is about 6 month old then you will be approved by google.But if you cannot get adsense then there are alternatives to this too like revenue hits and infolinks.
What is SEO?
SEO stands for search engine optimization it is basically a way to run your blog or site smoothly with increase number of visits on your blog and gets you searched in Google more.SEO is done using internal linking, external linking, backlinking and keywords
On page SEO and Off page SEO.
What "Topic" should you blog about?
Well there is a wide range of topics on internet you can blog about. but the best thing is to blogging on the topic you are interested for. Because "Content is King" on the internet and blogging would be fun if people are reading your contents with interest.