Last year, Google rolled out a stand-alone Photos app with unlimited storage, stirring up rumors that its photo editing application Picasa�s days were numbered. Sure enough, in a statement on Friday Google announced that Picasa will be phased to make way for Google Photos, detailing what it hopes will be a more uniform photo experience. The change will take place �over the coming months.�
Google said in a statement, �We believe we can create a much better experience by focusing on one service that provides more functionality and works across mobile and desktop, rather than divide our efforts across two different products.� To that end, Picasa users with web albums should log into Google Photos, at which point all the content will automatically be available in Photos.
Users who aren�t interested in switching to Google Photos will be given a �new place� to view, download and delete Picasa Web Albums, without the organization, creation and editing tools. Further details on where users will access their Picasa content aren�t provided.
Support for the Picasa desktop app will end March 15. The Picasa Web Album changes will being rolling out on May 1.
Via: Google Picasa Blog
Picasa will be phased out in favor of Google Photos
Last year, Google rolled out a stand-alone Photos app with unlimited storage, stirring up rumors that its photo editing application Picasa�s days were numbered. -
[Read the news article over at]
Picasa will be phased out in favor of Google Photos
Last year, Google rolled out a stand-alone Photos app with unlimited storage, stirring up rumors that its photo editing application Picasa�s days were numbered. -
[Read the news article over at]