Killer SEO tips for Blogspot (

Add categories
Add headings related to posts usually add 3 to 6 headings
Optimization of permalink

Still I am talking about the same and that is Blogger because this is the platform from where I started softdews, the most useful and valuable platform for blogging with completely free of cost. I have already written and so many tips and tricks about the free blogging platforms but today decided to clear some very startup and Basic SEO techniques for your blogspot blog because there are so many beginners they still don’t knowhow to optimize newly launched blogspot blog and also same question asked by my friends and fans of this Blog. In this article I will tell you some tricks with very basic SEO tips for blogspot blog i.eMeta description, heading tags, URL Structure, Meta Robots, etc. for better optimization and well and quick index in search engines.basic SEO tips for blogspotRecent SEO Article = Startup SEO Checklist for New Blogging NicheBasic Here is the complete and step by step guide for very basic and killer SEO tips for your newly launched blogspot blog for optimization because just writing and sharing your work is not enough but you have to make it top in search engines such as whenever we need to know something, we start google and search for it and find the same, same here before writing you must think how you will find this topic in search engines (google, bing, yahoo) and people reaches at your blog by search it.Meta Description of Blogspot Blog.After penguin update, this is the main thing you have to consider while you start writing your post. The meta description is the 150 words paragraph to tell search enginespiders/crawlers/robots, what are you writing and what is it about. Means these 150 words or para has to define your article to search engines. Check the following steps to enable Meta Description for Blog and blogspot post.
Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Setting >> Search PreferenceNow Enable Meta Tag and write 150 words which describe what this blog about to add meta tag blogspot blog now same you have to apply for ever blogger post. You have to write search description for all of your blogspot to add meta description in blogspot blog make use of Heading TagsHeading Tags another must have factor inside your blog article for on page SEO. In my previous article for and other SEO posts it has already mentioned but some newbie and beginners still don’t know how to apply heading tags in your article. This feature is same as we write something in notebook before startup of any paragraph, we mention above its heading and same here before starting any paragraph must mention above what are going to write and use your targeted keywords in H1 and H2 to H6. There are six different types of headings to format your article for make it optimize to well understand search engines H1 to H6. Check below screenshot for how to apply different heading tags for your blogspot to add heading tags blogspot article*.Read More Button in Blogger PostURL Optimization (Permalink)When I started using, there is no any option for permalink in blogger post options, but after the very need of search engine optimization, finally blogger has added this feature to optimize blogger permalink for your blogspot article. Now there is an option in right side of post options for permalink where you can setup your permalink or URL structure for your blogspot post. Check below, how permalink should be good for SEO.  not good for SEO
or check the above screenshot.
change URL in blogspot hope you will understand how you have to optimize blogger url structure which look good and well understand to search engines.*.Avoid Robots to Crawl Archive in Blogger
Make Use of Blogger labels this is the feature to categorize your blogger articles by label. May be you have found so many labels, categories and tags on other blogspot blog but still don’t know how to apply. Check to assign label in blogspot post just you have entered any label one time; it will be stored and saved.*.Top 10 Social Media Widget for blogger image Optimization with Alt attribute if you search in my blog, there is complete article for optimization of image because if you use google for search anything there is image searchbut unlike text there is nothing in photo and image to read it for search engine spiders so the function called Alt tag is available for search engine spider to crawl your images and what your image about is? You must use and assign Alt attribute to every image for better SEO to add alt attribute in blogspot Image*.Add Smiley Emoticons in Blogger Comments

Final Words
All the above tips and tricks are very usefuland must be used for all your blogspot post because SEO is the thing you must know after startup of newly launched blog. For any further question, feel free to ask by replying in this post. Regards.

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