How to earn money online from home without any investment

My many friends asked me this question that
how to earn money online ?
There are many different ways to earn money $$$ from internet but some are spam,some are not tested or some are not favourable for countries like Pakistan,India,Bangladesh etc

100% proven and tested methods:

*) By using Social media sites
   Example: Facebook,twitter etc

*) By making your own blog at ,

1-By using Facebook

Many people are using Facebook nowadays to earn money as there are nearly 3 billion people on Facebook and the users ate increasing rapidly

*Make a fake profile of girl/boy
( I will suggest you to make profile of girls) .The age should be 17-21 ,add work,interests and make it look like original.
     You can make unlimited free accounts on Facebook ,I had discussed in earlier posts

* Now sign up

Get paid to share your links!


Click on Join now after clicking and then fill your form to join
*verify your email address

* select option for ads intrestinal and select option Publisher

* Add payment method Payoneer
( i will tell you below about it)
* Then login to your account and then Shorten take a URL and paste it in long bar like box and click on shrink,it will me minified

*now copy that link and share it evey where on Facebook through fake profile of girl, make 10 to 15 pages of interesting topics and daily post your links on pages ,groups and timeline

* join 500 groups with 1 lackh members ( group should be minimum with 20,000 members)

*  now just sit back and count money
     On every click that someone makes on your links you will earn $$$ money easily
    On 1000 clicks you will get $9+
Spread your links more on YouTube,Facebook ,Twitter,etc

2-By making your Blog

You can make your Free blog from ,
I will suggest you as the monetization is done free by Google and I had also used
               Steps to make blog

* Create your blog with gmail account

* Design it to make attractive and more user friendly as my this blog is

* make it for entertainment, music,games ,wallpapers etc
Its your choice ,you have to just post 2-3 articles ,songs,wallpapers daily

* sign up here
Get paid to share your links!

* fill the form as I had discussed above

*After login to account click on Tools on top of your account

*click in website monetization code from left site of bar

* copy that code for popup ads and paste it in blogger
     Click on layout => add gadget =>
       Select HTML code and paste that code ,now click on save and check that ads will appear on it

Check money in your account

Now how to withdraw money you have earned

To get money I am telling you method to get Free MasterCard and get money from any bank worldwide
You can also do shopping from everywhere in world
       Steps to get MasterCard

*)    >>>>>> click here  <<<<<
Click here to get MasterCard
       To get free MasterCard

*). Join the payoneer and fill signup form ,they will ask to give National I'd card number ,for which you have to give original id card number of your father ,mother or your own if you are above 18 yrs

*) provide tour 100% correct home  address,as my 20% friends didn't received their MasterCard due to incorrect address ,MasterCard is free ,don't pay to postman ,it will given to your home

*) After filling sign up form ,you will get your MasterCard in 6 to 10 days
( I got my card in 7 days)

*) After earning   minimum $10 you can send your payments to Payonner account and withdraw it from any bank


Its your own choice if you want to earn by Facebook or by blog
Both have one disadvantage as on Facebook when you will share more links,they may ban your Facebook account,but you can make unlimited free accounts without any email or number
I had mentioned method to make unlimited free facebook accounts in my previous posts
On blog you will get from popup ads you will have to first tell about it to many people

Tip to earn more money

Share your links to people and groups of UK and US as you will earn $12 for UK and $1.5 for countries like Pakistan, India

.for any help,ask your questions below in comment box


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