12 Ways LeadPages help to Grow A Blog And Online Business


Recently you may hear about LeadPages which is a rocking online tools to help a Webmaster or online business in different ways. This is completely new concept and sounds like hybrid system of email marketing software. But we should know first what is it?

What is LeadPages?

LeadPages is a dynanamic software company which creates software and web apps to grow website and Online Business. We can say LeadPages is a combination of List building, Email marketing, landing page creating platform etc. In addition it helps a lot to grow your site�s subscriber robustly and you can start driving Leads with this simplest Lead Generating platform.
  • Visit: http://www.leadpages.net
Now we will see how exactly it works to grow a website or Blog or Online Business?

What can we do with LeadPages for Grow our Website and Online Business?

LeadPages is not just like as email marketing software or just list building tool. If you think it�s just another version of Mailchimp, Infusionsoft or ConvertKit then you are absolutely wrong. Rather LeadPages contains all the features of Mailchimp, Infusionsoft and ConvertKit. It can help to grow your email list by 200% more than before.

1. Building Unique landing page

There are many Professional website and Blog as well as Online business site prefer to add landing page. Because landing page help to give different impression on viewers mind. In this case LeadPages helps to create beautiful landing page for your site. Even you don�t need to know any basic coding. LeadPages made many landing page template for you.

leadpages template

2. To Build sales Pages for Online Business

For creating sales pages via LeadPages is really awesome. LeadPages contains many sales page templates which can be use for your online business. Suppose you have written an eBook and want to sale it through online. Then simply you can use LeadPages sales template and potential buyer tend to buy by making online payment. After receiving payment from buyer LeadPages will send the digital copy of your Book to your buyer automatically. As a result online Business can grow without any extra effort.

However for new business it is not always affordable to hire a designer to design sales page. So LeadPages helping a lot for professional sales page designing.

3. Building Opt-in forms with separate landing page

For building email subscription or opt-in we add a subscription form in our Website or place it at the end of the Blog post. This is not looking beautiful and professional. But by using LeadPages we can build separate Opt-in landing page. Don�t think you have to do manual coding rather you can using LeadPages readymade template for opt-in landing page. There are zillions of different templates available in LeadPages which can customize easily to use it for your opt-in page.

4. Create opt-in boxes within Blog Posts

Webmaster writes ebook, workbook, and worksheet for Blog readers. And they deliver this online recourse after subscribing on their email list. In this case through LeadPages we can add an opt-in box at the end of Blog post and when a subscriber signup for the online resources then they will automatically receive the resources after signup. So here is not any manual process.

5. Hosting Webinars

LeadPages has many webinar templates which can be use for your live webinar. The positive side of LeadPages webinar template is it allow attendees to communicate and ask questions. If you are arrange webinar then you will see how much pricy, but through LeadPages its mostly free. Just you have to register with a fixed subscription plan. And you will able to use many other features of LeadPages.

live training

6. LeadPages helps to collect email subscribers through text messaging

This feature is really unique and mostly helpful for conference speakers. Suppose you are speaking on a conference then you are trying to collect subscribers for your website. Then this is not possible for your audience to sign up by using laptop or Smartphone. In this case, you can show specific word or digit on conference and audience need to send a text message on that word or number with their email address, and automatically your audience will able to subscriber with your website.

7. Hosting videos on LeadPages

Generally we host videos on YouTube, Vemo and Dailymoyion. But those videos become public everybody can watch them. But LeadPages users are able to host their videos and make available for their Blog readers only. This if effecting for branding your videos such as Product review, online free courses, or any upcoming Business product.

video hosting on leadpage

8. LeadPages help to create viral �Thank You� pages.  

After subscription to our newsletter service it just display a small message that thanks for subscription, this is not looking professional. But by using LeadPages you can create a Thank You page with customization. And your Blog and Business subscriber will happy to see it. Even you can add your photo, Social media URL and your latest updates. This is really awesome.

9. Get More Sales with Your 404 Error Pages

Generally we use Error 404 page for our personal website and Business website. But you can�t imagine how many potential customers you are losing for error 404 message. Because after viewing error 404 page visitors may skip your site to another. But through LeadPages you can create an attractive page with your latest and related products. As a result your potential buyer may tuned into real buyer.

10. Earn money with LeadPages

This is bit interesting, because for using LeadPages you must subscribe to their subscription plan. But you can also earn money from LeadPages by becoming affiliate. But only pro customers are eligible for it. This feature is really simple. If any customer subscribe to LeadPages with your referral URL then you get paid for it.

11. Integrate landing page on your Facebook page

All LeadPages templates are compatible with Facebook. You can easily integrate your landing page with Facebook page by few clicks and you will able to build your email list from Facebook page.

12. View the conversion states for further Analyzing

After receiving subscriber into your Business or Blog you want to see conversion rate. LeadPages has analytic features which help you to see the performance of your landing pages and opt-in rates. It helps track historical data for your website.

So guys I hope the concept of LeadPages is now clear to your and this little introduction with LeadPages help you to grow your Blog and Business. LeadPages is really powerful tool that can bale to generate more leads for your Blog and online Business. 

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