How to Defend Your Blog Feed from Content thief?

shorten RSS feed

I know you are aware about your Blog and constantly working hard day and night. But after hard working you will see that you are not getting proper outcomes according to your time and brain investment on your Blog. The major probable reason is your content has been stolen and republished in several Blog. I am also a victim of content thief and suffering for longer time. But I didn�t notice that.

Thanks God that I have discover that thing yesterday. Now I am working hard and soul for protecting my content from thief. I have already applied some techniques thus my content can�t be copy or republish. And my mind was feeling piece that finally I am able to protect my content.

But no I was wrong. After applying all tricks I have seen still my content is copying by thief. I was really anxious and finding my site�s weak points. And I have remembered about my Feedburner feed. Because formerly thief is copying my content with all of my blockquote, precode and headline design, but yesterday I have seen that thief has republished my content without any blockquote, pre code and headline design. Then my suspect has become true.

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Thief has subscribe with my  Feedburner email subscription and whenever I publish any content that thief get a email copy in his mail box. After that republish is in their Blog. This is really amazing brain isn�t it? But if the thieves do some brain storm on content writing then s/he can produce good content. Lol�

However this is not my concern. I am thinking about my Blog content. We don�t have any control on Feedburner and we are not able to add any script to protect my Feedburner feed. But I got a solution and I am happy to share this with BloggerSpice readers. I hope it will help to protect your Blog content.

How to control Blog Feed from Blogger Dashboard?

You may think why we will control Blog feed? Because in feed burner we will display only short character thus content thief can�t able to get full content in their mail box. And after applying this trick in your Feed burner page only first 400 words will display under each content URL.

Step 1 Go to your Blogger Account and Login to your Blogger Account.

Step 2 Click on ->Settings->Other

Step 3 And locate Allow Blog Feed under Site feed and select Short instead of Full.

allow blog feed

Step 4 After that click Save settings from the top right corner of the screen.

And now check your Blog�s feed burner and see first 400 characters is displaying on your feed. You may say this will affect SEO. Obviously not, because there are huge websites and Blog those are not use feedburner. And Google was attempting to stop feedburner service but still they didn�t. If feedburner was a popular Google product then Google must upgrade it time to time. But for longer time they are not upgrading.

Burn your Feed Summary

There are many website and Blog that are publishing content within 300 � 400 characters so in this case they will face trouble. Because after shorting Blog feed from Blogger settings your feedburner page first 400 characters will display. So there is a chance to being copied by thief again. Now I will show you about controlling character on Feedburner.

Step 1 Go to your and enter into your Blog feed by log in.

Step 2 And select Optimize tab. Under that tab Click Summary Burner for controlling your feed content summary.

optimize feed

Step 3 In Summary Burner you will see 2 options. Select Maximum length: by 50 to 200 characters. This will help you to limit character on your Feed. And in Teaser you can write some instruction about full content. Just tell your feed readers that where they will get the full content to read.

feed summary burner

Step 4 Finally hit the Save button.

Now visit your Feedburner page and see only few characters is displaying rather shoring full feed or short feed.

current Blog feed

But you may think what about email subscriber. Don�t worries all of your email subscriber including thief will receive only selected character in their mail box. I hope your Blog content is now protected from content thief.

feed email

Let me know what else we can do for protecting Blog content?