Are you struggling to create a Forum for your Website or Blog??? I know you will say Heck Yes! Many Bloggers are spending good amount of money for creating a Forum for their personal Blog. However this is really hard to maintain a Forum for newbie. As a result after investing your time and money you can build a Forum but finally the result will be zero if you haven�t enough experience to share there.
So from my point of view we should switch to a free Forum creation service provider. But you won�t able to rely on all free service providers, because it depends on server uptime, bandwidth allocation, loading speed etc.
The most reliable free blogging platform is Google Blogger. Already we are using many services from Google but there are many free awesome services Google have for their users. And you will be surprise that Google is providing this kind of facility where you can create a Group or Forum whatever you call.
What Google Group Allows in Forum Service?
Google Groups allows you to create and participate in online forums and email-based groups with a rich experience for community conversations. You can organize your Forum with favorites and folders. Follow other Group; share your discussion, ideas and photos. Another fantastic feature of Google Group is auto translation; this will enable you to share your own language and from the other with different native language can read it by auto translates. In addition this is a mobile friendly forum; your visitors will love to view from their Smartphone to participate in your forum.
It�s cool huh! I know you are excited to create your own forum now. But you need walkthrough to do it. Don�t worry I will show you how?
Create a Group on Google Group/Forum
This is really easy just like clicking on some links from your PC or Smartphone. All we need a Gmail account. Because this is a Google product!!! Pal. If you don�t have Gmail account then create a new account now.
Step 1 Visit!overview and Sign in with your Gmail account.
Step 2 You are now Google Group�s Home Page. Simply click CREATE GROUP button. And write your desired Group name, Group email address and Group description. After that set the Group�s primary language by using dropdown option, as well as choose Group type such as Email list, Web forum, Q&A forum, Collaborative inbox. This will represent what type of Group you are going to create.
Step 3 Now it�s to set some Basic permission for your Group. You can control your Group by using these options like View topics, Post, Join the group. You don�t need to change it now. Because there are some task we have to do such as writing welcome message, Group rules, New member joining question answer. So don�t make your Group public now.
Step 4 Finally press the CREATE button from top of the page. You might see RECAPCHA, write the character from the picture and click Continuebutton to complete the group creation procedure.
How to make Google Group Public?
After creating the Group you will see the group status is private. And if you share something then it will publish in private form. In the meantime create welcome message, Group rules, and new member joining rules. After that we will make it public from settings. And without making it public it won�t be visible to nonmember of the Google forum.
Step 1 Visit for Open Google Groups.
Step 2 Now Click ->My Groups -> name of the group you want to edit.
Step 3 Click Manage which is beneath the Group name.
Step 4 And now Click ->Permissions -> Basic Permissions. And make change on View topics, post and Join the group option. Select Public by using dropdown option. As a result anyone can view group topic, make post and join the group.
Step 5 Finally click Save button from top of the screen.
Congratulation you have successfully created your Google Group Public. I hope this tutorial help to make your own Group in Google. For any query regarding Group creation feel free to leave a comment below.