Happy Caturday!

Hope y'all had a happy Caturday!  Ours started off really good, wif bacon made for brekkyfast and a speshul piece made just for us kitties and woofies to share.  I think we should get a piece each, but momma says I can dream on.

It's nice and warm here, so lotsa sun puddles for snoozin in.  In fact, it are so warm dat my momma ditched me to go lie outside by da pool wif da dog while she read.  What da meow????  She shoulda been inside feedin me!  Den she went off to go sew, more boring stuff.  So I meyowled a lot to show my displeashures.

But on a day wif sunpuddles, treats, and bacon, guess I can't complain too much!

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